Resizing various photos for web, social media, and email marketing is time consuming. Here are some scripts to do it quickly.
Here are some scripts that I use to batch resize photos for Squarespace, Instagram, Facebook, and Mailchimp.
Batch Scripts now supports resizing multiple file extensions at the same time with the use of regular expressions. Currently .jpg, .png, .tif, and .jpeg
are supported. You can add more if you want by changing the regular expression.
- Download the script files to your computer.
- Open Adobe Photoshop.
- Click "File" -> "Scripts" -> "Browse".
- Select which script file that you want to run.
- A dialog box will open asking which folder you want the script to run on.
- After selecting the folder, the script will run; so, sit back and wait.
- A dialog box will open asking which file you want the script to run on.
- Then, another dialog box will open asking which folder you want to save the resized file in.
- After selecting the folder, the script will run; so, sit back and wait.
- The scripts will resize all images in the folder that you select.
- The resized photos will be saved as a copy in a subfolder called "Resize" with the width of the photo appended to the end of the original file name.
- Set a keyboard shortcut instead of clicking "File" -> "Scripts" -> "Browse" everytime you want to run your script. For example, I set mine up as "Ctrl + Alt + ."