NOTE: If you want to use react-navigation-v2 instead which is a lower version. Then you should use this one: react-native-redux-navigation-v2-boilerplate
A React Native starter kit or boilerplate with pantome theme for starting a project with the help of redux for state management, react-native elements and nativebase for building the UI components and react-navigation-v3 for the routing or navigation.
The project was bootstrapped with react-native init
List of used other libraries used aside from react-native
- For state management:
- For UI components:
- For navigation:
Clone the project repository
Go inside to the project directory that you have cloned and open the terminal or command line and run
npm -i
oryarn install
to install all the package needed -
To link all the libraries and dependencies run
react-native link
If you are using android run the command below
react-native run-android
and if you are using iOS
react-native run-ios
When you run the app it will show you a SplashScreen and it will dispatch a action to restore a session. If a session exist in the storage it will dispatch another action to authenticate the user and redirect it to the HomeScreen or the DrawerNavigator which is the authenticated route or stack. Otherwise if a session session does not exist it will return the LoginScreen or the StackNavigator which is the Unauthenticated route or stack.
In order to navigate to the HomeScreen you need to be authenticated or to sign in. Use the credentials below to sign in:
password: 123456
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.