JobHive is a job search platform that allows users to discover and explore various job listings available from different companies. With a clean and intuitive interface, users can easily search, filter, and apply for job listings that match their skills and interests.
- Display Job Listings from Multiple Companies
- Filter Job Listings by Location, Industry, and Keywords
- Job Details with Company Information, Location, Salary, and Other Requirements
- Direct Application for Selected Job Listings
- And many more exciting features!
To run JobHive on your local environment, follow these installation steps:
System Requirements:
- PHP >= 7.4
- Composer
- MySQL or other Databases
- Node.js & npm
Clone the Repository:
git clone
Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd jobhive
Install PHP Dependencies using Composer:
composer install
Create a Copy of the .env File:
cp .env.example .env
Configure Environment Settings:
- Create an empty Database in MySQL.
- Configure the database connection in the
Generate Application Key:
php artisan key:generate
Run Database Migrations:
php artisan migrate
Seed the Database (Optional): If you want to populate the database with sample data, run the following command:
php artisan db:seed
Create a Symbolic Link for Storage:
php artisan storage:link
Run the Local Server:
php artisan serve
Run npm Process for Frontend (Optional): If you require frontend asset compilation, you can run the following command:
npm install && npm run dev
Open the Application in a Browser: Access the JobHive application at http://localhost:8000 in your browser.
We are highly open to contributions from the community. If you find a bug, have suggestions, or want to contribute code, please open a pull request to our repository on GitHub.
JobHive is licensed under the MIT License.
© 2024 JobHive. Developed with 💼 by the JobHive Team.