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Improve hand-parsing of clientDataJSON
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Try to be very precise while doing so. This allows us to work around
Android Chrome's standard-violating behavior:

Alternative to #2262 and #2227.
  • Loading branch information
hrxi authored and jsdanielh committed Mar 8, 2024
1 parent 3e410e2 commit 13b2b2e
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Showing 5 changed files with 153 additions and 154 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion primitives/transaction/Cargo.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,10 +21,11 @@ base64 = "0.22"
bitflags = { version = "2.4", features = ["serde"] }
log = { package = "tracing", version = "0.1", features = ["log"] }
serde = "1.0"
serde_json = "1.0"
strum_macros = "0.26"
thiserror = "1.0"
tsify = { git = "", branch = "sisou/comments", default-features = false, features = ["js"], optional = true }
url = "2.4"
url = { version = "2.4", features = ["serde"] }
wasm-bindgen = { version = "0.2", optional = true }

nimiq-bls = { workspace = true, features = ["serde-derive"] }
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292 changes: 145 additions & 147 deletions primitives/transaction/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
use std::{cmp::Ord, error::Error, fmt};
use std::{cmp::Ord, error::Error, fmt, str};

use base64::Engine;
use base64::prelude::{Engine, BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use nimiq_hash::{Blake2bHasher, Hasher, Sha256Hasher};
use nimiq_hash::{Blake2bHash, Hash, HashOutput, Sha256Hash};
use nimiq_keys::{Address, Ed25519PublicKey, Ed25519Signature, PublicKey, Signature};
use nimiq_serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use nimiq_utils::merkle::Blake2bMerklePath;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,87 +44,30 @@ impl SignatureProof {
merkle_path: Option<Blake2bMerklePath>,
signature: Signature,
authenticator_data: &[u8],
client_data_json: &[u8],
client_data_json: &str,
) -> Result<Self, SerializationError> {
// Extract host, client_data_flags and client_data_extra_fields from client_data_json

// Setup inner fields
let mut client_data_flags = WebauthnClientDataFlags::default();
let mut client_data_extra_fields = "".to_string();

// Convert client_data_json bytes to string for search & split operations
// FIXME: Handle invalid UTF-8
let client_data_json_str = std::str::from_utf8(client_data_json).unwrap();

// Extract origin from client_data_json
let origin_search_term = r#","origin":""#;
// Find the start of the origin value
// FIXME: Handle missing origin
let origin_start =
client_data_json_str.find(origin_search_term).unwrap() + origin_search_term.len();
// Find the closing quotation mark of the origin value
// FIXME: Handle missing closing quotation mark
let origin_length = client_data_json_str[origin_start..].find('"').unwrap();
// The origin is the string between the two indices
let origin = &client_data_json_str[origin_start..origin_start + origin_length];

// Compute and compare RP ID with authenticatorData
let url = url::Url::parse(origin)?;
let hostname = url.host_str().unwrap(); // FIXME: Handle missing hostname
let rp_id = nimiq_hash::Sha256Hasher::default().digest(hostname.as_bytes());
if rp_id.0 != authenticator_data[0..32] {
return Err(SerializationError::new(
"Computed RP ID does not match authenticator data",
if authenticator_data.len() < 32 {
return Err(SerializationError::new("authenticator data too short"));

// Compute host field, which includes the port if non-standard
let port_suffix = if let Some(port) = url.port() {
format!(":{}", port)
} else {
let host = format!("{}{}", hostname, port_suffix);

// Check if client_data_json contains any extra fields
// Search for the crossOrigin field first
let parts = client_data_json_str
let suffix = if parts.len() == 2 {
} else {
// Client data does not include the crossOrigin field

// We need to check for extra fields after the origin field instead
let parts = client_data_json_str
.split(&format!(r#""origin":"{}""#, origin))
assert_eq!(parts.len(), 2);
let webauthn_fields = WebauthnExtraFields::from_client_data_json(

// Check if the suffix contains extra fields
if suffix.len() > 1 {
// Cut off first comma and last curly brace
client_data_extra_fields = suffix[1..suffix.len() - 1].to_string();
let rp_id: Sha256Hash = webauthn_fields.rp_id()?;

if origin.contains(r":\/\/") {
if *rp_id.as_bytes() != authenticator_data[0..32] {
return Err(SerializationError::new(
"computed RP ID does not match authenticator data",

Ok(SignatureProof {
merkle_path: merkle_path.unwrap_or_default(),
webauthn_fields: Some(WebauthnExtraFields {
authenticator_data_suffix: authenticator_data[32..].to_vec(),
webauthn_fields: Some(webauthn_fields),

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -154,87 +97,34 @@ impl SignatureProof {
.expect("Webauthn fields not set");

// Message in our case is a transaction's serialized content

// 1. We need to hash the message to get our challenge data
let challenge = Blake2bHasher::default().digest(message);

// 2. We need to calculate the RP ID (Relaying Party ID) from the hostname (without port)
// First we construct the origin from the host, as we need it for the clientDataJSON later
let origin_protocol = if"localhost") {
} else {

let protocol_separator = if webauthn_fields
} else {
let challenge: Blake2bHash = message.hash();

// 2. The RP ID is the SHA256 hash of the hostname
let rp_id = match webauthn_fields.rp_id() {
Ok(rp_id) => rp_id,
Err(error) => {
debug!(%error, "Failed to extract RP ID");
return false;

let origin = format!(
origin_protocol, protocol_separator,

let url = Url::parse(&origin);
if url.is_err() {
debug!("Failed to parse origin: {}", origin);
return false;
let url = url.unwrap();

let hostname = url.host_str();
if hostname.is_none() {
debug!("Failed to extract hostname: {:?}", url);
return false;
let hostname = hostname.unwrap();

// The RP ID is the SHA256 hash of the hostname
let rp_id = Sha256Hasher::default().digest(hostname.as_bytes());

// 3. Build the authenticatorData from the RP ID and the suffix
let authenticator_data =
[rp_id.as_slice(), &webauthn_fields.authenticator_data_suffix].concat();
let mut authenticator_data = Vec::new();

// 4. Build the clientDataJSON from challenge and origin
let mut json: Vec<String> = vec![
format!(r#""origin":"{}""#, origin),

// If not omitted, append the crossOrigin field
if !webauthn_fields

// Append extra clientData fields at the end
if !webauthn_fields.client_data_extra_fields.is_empty() {

// Combine parts into a JSON string
let client_data_json = format!("{{{}}}", json.join(","));
let json = webauthn_fields.to_client_data_json(challenge.as_slice());

// Hash the clientDataJSON
let client_data_hash = Sha256Hasher::default().digest(client_data_json.as_bytes());
let client_data_hash: Sha256Hash = json.hash();

// 5. Concat authenticatorData and clientDataHash to build the data signed by Webauthn
let signed_data = [authenticator_data.as_slice(), client_data_hash.as_slice()].concat();
let mut signed_data = authenticator_data;


fn verify_signature(&self, message: &[u8]) -> bool {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -330,12 +220,120 @@ bitflags! {

/// Extra data needed to verify a webauthn signature.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, PartialEq, Eq)]
pub struct WebauthnExtraFields {
pub host: String,
pub authenticator_data_suffix: Vec<u8>,
pub client_data_flags: WebauthnClientDataFlags,
pub client_data_extra_fields: String,
/// The `origin` field, but weirdly stored.
/// Everything in the `origin` field in the `clientDataJSON`, exactly as it appears in the
/// JSON, not undoing any JSON escaping etc.
origin_json_str: String,
/// Does the `clientDataJSON` have a `"crossOrigin":false` field?
has_cross_origin_field: bool,
/// Extra, unknown fields in the `clientDataJSON`.
/// Exactly as it appears in the JSON, including the leading comma, excluding the final closing
/// brace.
client_data_extra_json: String,
/// Extra data included in the signed data.
/// It's between the RP ID and the `clientDataHash`.
authenticator_data_suffix: Vec<u8>,

impl WebauthnExtraFields {
fn from_client_data_json(
client_data_json: &str,
authenticator_data_suffix: Vec<u8>,
) -> Result<WebauthnExtraFields, SerializationError> {
let rest = client_data_json;

let rest = rest
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::new("invalid clientDataJson prefix"))?;

let (challenge_base64_json_str, rest) = rest
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::new("invalid challenge"))?;

if challenge_base64_json_str.as_bytes().last().copied() == Some(b'\\') {
return Err(SerializationError::new(
"challenge can't contain escaped quotes",

let challenge = BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD
.map_err(|e| SerializationError::new(&format!("invalid challenge base64: {e}")))?;

if BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(&challenge) != challenge_base64_json_str {
return Err(SerializationError::new("non-canonical challenge base64"));

let rest = rest
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::new("couldn't find origin field"))?;

let (origin_json_str, rest) = rest
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::new("invalid origin"))?;

if origin_json_str.as_bytes().last().copied() == Some(b'\\') {
return Err(SerializationError::new(
"origin can't contain escaped quotes",

let has_cross_origin_field;
let mut rest = rest;
if let Some(r) = rest.strip_prefix(r#","crossOrigin":"#) {
has_cross_origin_field = true;
if let Some(r) = r.strip_prefix("false") {
rest = r;
} else {
return Err(SerializationError::new("crossOrigin must be false"));
} else {
has_cross_origin_field = false;

if rest.as_bytes().last().copied() != Some(b'}') {
return Err(SerializationError::new("invalid clientDataJSON suffix"));

let client_data_extra_json = &rest[ - 1];

let result = WebauthnExtraFields {
origin_json_str: origin_json_str.into(),
client_data_extra_json: client_data_extra_json.into(),
assert_eq!(result.to_client_data_json(&challenge), client_data_json);
fn to_client_data_json(&self, challenge: &[u8]) -> String {
let challenge_base64 = BASE64_URL_SAFE_NO_PAD.encode(challenge);
let origin_json_str = &self.origin_json_str;
let cross_origin_json = if self.has_cross_origin_field {
} else {
let client_data_extra_json = &self.client_data_extra_json;
fn rp_id(&self) -> Result<Sha256Hash, SerializationError> {
let origin_json_str = &self.origin_json_str;
let origin: Url = serde_json::from_str(&format!("\"{origin_json_str}\""))
.map_err(|e| SerializationError::new(&format!("invalid origin URL: {e}")))?;
let hostname = origin
.ok_or_else(|| SerializationError::new("invalid origin URL: missing hostname"))?;

mod serde_derive {
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions primitives/transaction/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ fn it_can_verify_webauthn_signature_proofs() {

let tx_content = hex::decode("00009a606a88b08f0be5d0d06b34aa58e851ad6aaf0a000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000989680000000000000000000000000050000").unwrap();
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ fn it_can_verify_android_chrome_webauthn_signature_proofs() {

let tx_content = hex::decode("00005f24d6eea3f0299d50dccecfb7a34f8bd5d5168000890c3fee58a9c27ae0f4b5fb9e4a72ee12ccfecf00000000000098968000000000000000000000a7d8060000").unwrap();
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion primitives/transaction/tests/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ fn it_can_serialize_and_deserialize_signature_proofs() {

let serialized = Serialize::serialize_to_vec(&proof.clone());
Expand Down

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