Generate assorted things
" in normal mode all commands insert the thing before the cursor
" Names:
:Gen full name " a full name (e.g. Fred Flintstone)
:Gen name " a full name (e.g. Fred Flintstone)
:Gen first name " a first name (e.g. Fred)
:Gen first male name " a male first name (e.g. Fred)
:Gen first female name " a female first name (e.g. Wilma)
:Gen last name " a last name (e.g. Flintstone)
:Gen stub " a shortened lower case name (e.g. f.flinstone)
:Gen user " a lower case username (e.g. fred_flintstone)
:Gen email " a lower case username (e.g.
:Gen domain " a domain name (e.g.
:Gen ipv4 " an ipv4 address (e.g.
:Gen ipv6 " an ipv6 address (e.g. 9dbc:aef0:8ba4:6416:3fea:2e44:fed7:3215)
" UUIDs:
:Gen uuid " a UUID (e.g. 13d9f2aa-76b7-4a51-8c89-f755d4e8f470)
:Gen uuid4 " a UUID v4 (e.g. 13d9f2aa-76b7-4a51-8c89-f755d4e8f470)
" Dates and Times:
:Gen isodatetime " a ISO8601 Date Time (e.g. 2017-08-27T20:58:00+0100)
:Gen isodate " a ISO8601 Date (e.g. 2017-08-27)
:Gen sqldatetime " an SQL Date Time (e.g. 2017-08-27 20:58:00)
:Gen unixtime " number of seconds since 1970-01-01 (e.g. 1546957042)
generate doesn't bind anything by default. These are what I am currently using:
imap <C-g>nf <Plug>GenerateFirstName
imap <C-g>ny <Plug>GenerateFirstMaleName
imap <C-g>nx <Plug>GenerateFirstFemaleName
imap <C-g>nl <Plug>GenerateLastName
imap <C-g>nn <Plug>GenerateFullName
imap <C-g>ns <Plug>GenerateStubName
imap <C-g>nu <Plug>GenerateUserName
imap <C-G>em <Plug>GenerateEmail
imap <C-G>id <Plug>GenerateDomain
imap <C-G>ip <Plug>GenerateIPV4
imap <C-G>ix <Plug>GenerateIPV6
imap <C-g>uu <Plug>GenerateUUID4
imap <C-g>dt <Plug>GenerateIso8601DateTime
imap <C-g>dd <Plug>GenerateIso8601Date
imap <C-g>ds <Plug>GenerateSQLDateTime
imap <C-g>ut <Plug>GenerateUNIXTime
nnoremap gennf :Generate first name<CR>
nnoremap genny :Generate first male name<CR>
nnoremap gennx :Generate first female name<CR>
nnoremap gennl :Generate last name<CR>
nnoremap gennn :Generate full name<CR>
nnoremap genns :Generate stub<CR>
nnoremap gennu :Generate user<CR>
nnoremap genem :Generate email<CR>
nnoremap genid :Generate domain<CR>
nnoremap genip :Generate ipv4<CR>
nnoremap genix :Generate ipv6<CR>
nnoremap genuu :Generate uuid<CR>
nnoremap gendt :Generate isodatetime<CR>
nnoremap gendd :Generate isodate<CR>
nnoremap gends :Generate sqldatetime<CR>
nnoremap genut :Generate unixtime<CR>
To run the tests pull the themis test suite (you don't have to install it but you can if you want).
git clone
./vim-themis/bin/themis --reporter dot test
Alternatively you can use the Makefile in the root dir, which will clone the dependencies and run the tests and linter.
make init
make test
make lint