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1.8.3 (324)
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denis15yo committed Sep 25, 2024
1 parent b7ae58d commit 3accfd1
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Showing 263 changed files with 18,211 additions and 2,126 deletions.
22 changes: 11 additions & 11 deletions MODULE.bazel.lock

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions Nicegram/NGEnv/Sources/NGEnv.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ public struct NGEnvObj: Decodable {
public let web3AuthBackupQuestion: String
public let web3AuthClientId: String
public let web3AuthVerifier: String
public let stonfiApiUrl: String
public let stonfiNicegramApiUrl: String

Expand Down
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions Package.resolved
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
"location" : "",
"state" : {
"branch" : "release/1.0.0",
"revision" : "a37b52af6bc6ca9d7e4d2fe0942f91ed16c7c6ac"
"revision" : "78f8920a260775686dd0e04f5045677447bb7a6c"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,17 +122,17 @@
"kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
"location" : "",
"state" : {
"branch" : "feat/stonfi-swap",
"revision" : "074eb3968c63b72ddf36e77b729245fed7c03f52"
"branch" : "develop",
"revision" : "44a21c1abe091fd57733c626b79cf095ddedc465"
"identity" : "nicegram-wallet-ios",
"kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
"location" : "",
"state" : {
"branch" : "feat/stonfi-swap",
"revision" : "0717b9623950e20f7834547792e30e28fd921b77"
"branch" : "develop",
"revision" : "b11641a03c3b2d90e0a8c7ce3d93fe2b8505acb4"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -374,8 +374,8 @@
"kind" : "remoteSourceControl",
"location" : "",
"state" : {
"revision" : "49734e514af8e917f5aa2112ce59a0eea542580c",
"version" : "2.10.1"
"revision" : "b6b67389a0f1a6fdd9c6457a8ab5b02eaab13c5c",
"version" : "2.9.2"
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Package.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "nicegram-package",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", branch: "feat/stonfi-swap"),
.package(url: "", branch: "feat/stonfi-swap")
.package(url: "", branch: "develop"),
.package(url: "", branch: "develop")
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions Telegram/Telegram-iOS/en.lproj/Localizable.strings
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5633,6 +5633,8 @@ Sorry for the inconvenience.";

"Settings.RemoveConfirmation" = "Remove";

"Conversation.ContextMenuOpenInfo" = "Open Info";

"Conversation.ContextMenuOpenProfile" = "Open Profile";
"Conversation.ContextMenuSendMessage" = "Send Message";
"Conversation.ContextMenuMention" = "Mention";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10290,6 +10292,9 @@ Sorry for the inconvenience.";
"BoostGift.GiveawayCreated.Text" = "Check your channel's [Statistics]() to see how this giveaway boosted your channel.";
"BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Title" = "Premium Subscriptions Gifted";
"BoostGift.PremiumGifted.Text" = "Check your channel's [Statistics]() to see how gifts boosted your channel.";
"BoostGift.StarsGiveawayCreated.Title" = "Stars Giveaway Created";
"BoostGift.StarsGiveawayCreated.Text" = "Check your channel's [Statistics]() to see how this giveaway boosted your channel.";
"BoostGift.Group.StarsGiveawayCreated.Text" = "Check your group's [Boosts]() to see how this giveaway boosted your group.";

"BoostGift.Subscribers.Title" = "Gift Premium";
"BoostGift.Subscribers.Subtitle" = "select up to %@ subscribers";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -10505,11 +10510,15 @@ Sorry for the inconvenience.";

"Notification.GiveawayResultsNoWinners_1" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, a gift link was forwarded to channel administrators.";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsNoWinners_any" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, all **%@** gift links were forwarded to channel administrators.";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsNoWinners.Group_1" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, a gift link was forwarded to group administrators.";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsNoWinners.Group_any" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, all **%@** gift links were forwarded to group administrators.";

"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedWinners_1" = "**%@** winner of the giveaway was randomly selected by Telegram and received their gift link in a private message.";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedWinners_any" = "**%@** winners of the giveaway were randomly selected by Telegram and received their gift links in private messages.";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed_1" = "**%@** undistributed gift link was forwarded to channel administrators";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed_any" = "**%@** undistributed gift links were forwarded to channel administrators";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed.Group_1" = "**%@** undistributed gift link was forwarded to group administrators";
"Notification.GiveawayResultsMixedUnclaimed.Group_any" = "**%@** undistributed gift links were forwarded to group administrators";

"Chat.Giveaway.DeleteConfirmation.Title" = "Do you want to delete the Giveaway Announcement?";
"Chat.Giveaway.DeleteConfirmation.Text" = "Deleting this message won't cancel the giveaway - the winners will still be selected on **%@**.\n\nOnce deleted, the Giveaway Announcement cannot be recovered.";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12264,6 +12273,7 @@ Sorry for the inconvenience.";
"Stars.Intro.Incoming" = "Incoming";
"Stars.Intro.Outgoing" = "Outgoing";

"Stars.Intro.Transaction.GiveawayPrize" = "Giveaway Prize";
"Stars.Intro.Transaction.MediaPurchase" = "Media Purchase";
"Stars.Intro.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Title" = "Stars Top-Up";
"Stars.Intro.Transaction.AppleTopUp.Subtitle" = "via App Store";
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12811,6 +12821,121 @@ Sorry for the inconvenience.";

"Chat.ToastStarsSent.Title_1" = "Star sent!";
"Chat.ToastStarsSent.Title_any" = "Stars sent!";

"Chat.ToastStarsSent.AnonymousTitle_1" = "Star sent anonymously!";
"Chat.ToastStarsSent.AnonymousTitle_any" = "Stars sent anonymously!";

"Chat.ToastStarsSent.Text" = "You have reacted with %1$@ %2$@.";
"Chat.ToastStarsSent.TextStarAmount_1" = "star";
"Chat.ToastStarsSent.TextStarAmount_any" = "stars";

"Stars.Purchase.StarsReactionsNeededInfo" = "Buy Stars to send paid reactions **%@** and other channels.";
"Chat.ToastStarsReactionsDisabled" = "Star Reactions were disabled in %@";

"ChatContextMenu.SingleReactionEmojiSet" = "This reaction is from #[%@]() emoji pack.";

"Channel.AdminLog.MessageParticipantSubscriptionExtended" = "%@ extended their subscription";

"Notification.StarsPrize" = "You received a gift";

"Notification.GiveawayStartedStars" = "%1$@ just started a giveaway of %2$@ Telegram Stars for its followers.";
"Notification.GiveawayStartedStarsGroup" = "%1$@ just started a giveaway of %2$@ Telegram Stars for its members.";

"Notification.StarsGiveawayStarted" = "%1$@ just started a giveaway of %2$@ for its followers.";
"Notification.StarsGiveawayStartedGroup" = "%1$@ just started a giveaway of %2$@ for its members.";
"Notification.StarsGiveawayStarted.Stars_1" = "%@ Telegram Star";
"Notification.StarsGiveawayStarted.Stars_any" = "%@ Telegram Stars";

"Chat.Giveaway.Message.Stars.PrizeText" = "%1$@ will be distributed %2$@.";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.Stars.Stars_1" = "**%@** Stars";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.Stars.Stars_any" = "**%@** Stars";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.Stars.Winners_1" = "to **%@** winner";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.Stars.Winners_any" = "among **%@** winners";

"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.Stars_1" = "**%@ Star**";
"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.Stars_any" = "**%@ Stars**";
"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.OngoingIntro" = "The giveaway is sponsored by the admins of **%1$@**, who acquired %2$@ for its followers.";
"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.EndedIntro" = "The giveaway was sponsored by the admins of **%1$@**, who acquired %2$@ for its followers.";
"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.Group.OngoingIntro" = "The giveaway is sponsored by the admins of **%1$@**, who acquired %2$@ for its members.";
"Chat.Giveaway.Info.Stars.Group.EndedIntro" = "The giveaway was sponsored by the admins of **%1$@**, who acquired %2$@ for its members.";

"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Title" = "Received Prize";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Reason" = "Reason";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Giveaway" = "Giveaway";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Prize" = "Prize";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Stars_1" = "%@ Star";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Stars_any" = "%@ Stars";

"Stats.RevenueInTon" = "Revenue in TON";
"Stats.RevenueInStars" = "Revenue in Stars";
"Stats.RevenueInUsd" = "Revenue in USD";

"BoostGift.NewDescriptionGroup" = "Get more boosts and members for\nyour group by giving away prizes.";
"BoostGift.NewDescription" = "Get more boosts and subscribers for\nyour channel by giving away prizes.";
"BoostGift.Prize" = "PRIZE";
"BoostGift.Prize.Premium" = "Telegram Premium";
"BoostGift.Prize.Stars" = "Telegram Stars";
"BoostGift.Stars.Title" = "STARS TO DISTRIBUTE";
"BoostGift.Stars.Boosts_1" = "%@ BOOST";
"BoostGift.Stars.Boosts_any" = "%@ BOOSTS";
"BoostGift.Stars.Stars_1" = "%@ Star";
"BoostGift.Stars.Stars_any" = "%@ Stars";
"BoostGift.Stars.PerUser" = "%@ per user";
"BoostGift.Stars.ShowMoreOptions" = "Show More Options";
"BoostGift.Stars.Info" = "Choose how many stars to give away and how many boosts to receive for 1 year.";
"BoostGift.AdditionalPrizesInfoStarsOff" = "Turn this on if you want to give the winners your own prizes in addition to Stars.";

"BoostGift.AdditionalPrizesInfoStars_1" = "**%@** Star";
"BoostGift.AdditionalPrizesInfoStars_any" = "**%@** Stars";
"BoostGift.AdditionalPrizesInfoStarsOn" = "All prizes: %1$@%2$@.";
"BoostGift.AdditionalPrizesInfoStarsAndOther" = " and **%1$@** %2$@";

"BoostGift.Stars.Winners" = "NUMBER OF WINNERS";
"BoostGift.Stars.WinnersInfo" = "Choose how many winners you want to distribute stars among.";

"BoostGift.Group.StarsDateInfo" = "Choose when %@ of your group will be randomly selected to receive Stars.";
"BoostGift.StarsDateInfo" = "Choose when %@ of your channel will be randomly selected to receive Stars.";

"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveawayStarsCount_1" = "%@ Telegram Premium";
"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveawayStarsCount_any" = "%@ Telegram Premium";
"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveawayStarsMonths" = "%@-month subscriptions";

"WebBrowser.ShowInstantView" = "Show Instant View";
"WebBrowser.HideInstantView" = "Hide Instant View";

"Stats.Boosts.Stars_1" = "%@ Star";
"Stats.Boosts.Stars_any" = "%@ Stars";
"Stats.Boosts.StarsWinners_1" = "for %@ winner";
"Stats.Boosts.StarsWinners_any" = "among %@ winners";

"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveaway.StarsCount_1" = "%@ Star";
"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveaway.StarsCount_any" = "%@ Stars";
"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveaway.StarsWinners_1" = "for %@ winner";
"BoostGift.PrepaidGiveaway.StarsWinners_any" = "among %@ winners";

"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Stars_1" = "%@ Star";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Stars_any" = "%@ Stars";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Boosts_1" = "%@ Boost";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Boosts_any" = "%@ Boosts";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Members_1" = "%@ Member";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Members_any" = "%@ Members";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Subscriber_1" = "%@ Subscriber";
"Stars.Transaction.Giveaway.Boost.Subscriber_any" = "%@ Subscribers";

"Conversation.ContextMenuCopyEmail" = "Copy Email";

"Chat.Giveaway.Message.WinnersInfo.Stars_1" = "**%@ Star**";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.WinnersInfo.Stars_any" = "**%@ Stars**";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.WinnersInfo.Stars.One" = "The winner received %@.";
"Chat.Giveaway.Message.WinnersInfo.Stars.Many" = "All winners received a total of %@.";

"Premium.BoostByGiveawayDescription" = "Get more boosts and subscribers for your channel by giving away prizes. [Get boosts >]()";
"Premium.Group.BoostByGiveawayDescription" = "Get more boosts and members for your group by giving away prizes. [Get boosts >]()";

"Notification.StarsGiveawayResultsNoWinners" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, all stars were credited to channel administrators.";
"Notification.StarsGiveawayResultsNoWinners.Group" = "Due to the giveaway terms, no winners could be selected by Telegram, all stars were credited to group administrators.";

"Notification.StarsGiveaway.Title" = "Congratulations!";
"Notification.StarsGiveaway.Subtitle" = "You won a prize in a giveaway organized by **%1$@**.\n\nYour prize is **%2$@**.";
"Notification.StarsGiveaway.Subtitle.Stars_1" = "%@ Star";
"Notification.StarsGiveaway.Subtitle.Stars_any" = "%@ Stars";
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions build-system/Make/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -144,13 +144,14 @@ def load_codesigning_data_from_git(working_dir, repo_url, temp_key_path, branch,

encrypted_working_dir = working_dir + '/encrypted'
if os.path.exists(encrypted_working_dir):
original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
if always_fetch:
original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
check_run_system('GIT_SSH_COMMAND="{ssh_command}" git fetch'.format(ssh_command=ssh_command))
check_run_system('git checkout "{branch}"'.format(branch=branch))
check_run_system('git checkout "{branch}"'.format(branch=branch))
if always_fetch:
check_run_system('GIT_SSH_COMMAND="{ssh_command}" git pull'.format(ssh_command=ssh_command))
os.makedirs(encrypted_working_dir, exist_ok=True)
original_working_dir = os.getcwd()
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions submodules/AccountContext/Sources/AccountContext.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1022,6 +1022,7 @@ public protocol SharedAccountContext: AnyObject {
func makeStarsAmountScreen(context: AccountContext, initialValue: Int64?, completion: @escaping (Int64) -> Void) -> ViewController
func makeStarsWithdrawalScreen(context: AccountContext, stats: StarsRevenueStats, completion: @escaping (Int64) -> Void) -> ViewController
func makeStarsGiftScreen(context: AccountContext, message: EngineMessage) -> ViewController
func makeStarsGiveawayBoostScreen(context: AccountContext, peerId: EnginePeer.Id, boost: ChannelBoostersContext.State.Boost) -> ViewController

func makeMiniAppListScreenInitialData(context: AccountContext) -> Signal<MiniAppListScreenInitialData, NoError>
func makeMiniAppListScreen(context: AccountContext, initialData: MiniAppListScreenInitialData) -> ViewController
Expand Down

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