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Extract gridmet, Translate to hru, Load to netCDF


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Extract gridmet, Translate to hru, Load to netCDF


  1. Create conda env as follows
    • conda create -n gmetl python=3.7
    • conda activate gmetl
    • conda install -c conda-forge numpy matplotlib pandas geopandas xarray netcdf4 requests dask
    • conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab
    • conda install -c conda-forge git
    • conda install -c conda-forge pip
  2. Clone repository
    • cd gridmetetl
    • Develop code:
      • pip install -e .
    • Use code
      • pip install .


From your conda environment created above:

(gmetl) B:\gitbmi\gridmetetl>gridmetetl -h

usage: gridmet_etl [-h] -t extraction type [-p YYYY-MM-DD) (YYYY-MM-DD]
                   [-d numdays] [-f output_file_prefix] -i input_path -o
                   output_path -w weight_file
                   [-v [GridMet_Variables [GridMet_Variables ...]]]

map gridded climate data to polygon using zonal area weighted mean

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t extraction type, --extract_type extraction type
                        extract method: (days) or (date)
  -p (YYYY-MM-DD) (YYYY-MM-DD), --period (YYYY-MM-DD) (YYYY-MM-DD)
                        option: start date and end date of retrieval (YYYY-MM-
  -d numdays, --days numdays
                        option: number of days to retrieve; if specified take
                        precedence over -s & -e option
  -f output_file_prefix, --file_prefix output_file_prefix
                        option: prefix for output files
  -i input_path, --inpath input_path
                        input_path (location of HRU shapefiles)
  -o output_path, --outpath output_path
                        Output path (location of netcdf output files by
                        shapefile output)
  -w weight_file, --weightsfile weight_file
                        path/weight.csv - path/name of weight file
  -v [GridMet_Variables [GridMet_Variables ...]], --variables [GridMet_Variables [GridMet_Variables ...]]
                        over-ride default vars

### Do an ETL:

gridmetetl -t date -p 2018-09-01 2018-09-02 -i ../../GitRepos/onhm-fetcher-parser/Data -o ../../GitRepos/onhm-fetcher-parser/Output -w ../../onhm-fetcher-parser/Data/weights.csv

### Additional examples:


  • TODO


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