- Computer Parts Store Management Java is an application that written by Java and using Microsoft SQL Server. This application can help you in managing your store easily.
- Log in, reset password, create new account.
- View, add, update, delete products.
- Create invoices.
- Search for customers.
- Search for created invoices.
- Check for store's revenue.
- Check for staff's sale.
- Check for store statistics.
Mã Sản Phẩm | Tên Sản Phẩm | Đơn Giá | Đơn Vị Tính | Thời Gian Bảo Hành |
SP006 | Lenovo Ideapad 330S | 11000000 | cái | 24 |
SP020 | AMD Ryzen 9 3900x 3.8GHz | 13090000 | cái | 36 |
- CPU: Intel® Celeron® processor 743 (1.3Ghz, 1MB L2 Cache)
- VGA: Intel® GMA 4500M Up to 1695 MB DVMT
- RAM: 4GB
- Disk required: Less than 50MB
- Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (MSSMS) 18 installed or others database manager.
- Apache NetBeans IDE installed
- Internet access.
- Step 1: Download SourceCode. It will be a zip file named ComputerPartsStoreManagement.zip. Unzip it you'll have 1 file DBQLCH.sql and a folder named ComputerPartsStoreManagement.
- Step 2: Run Apache NetBeans IDE. When NetBeans was opened, go to File -> Open Project (or press Ctrl+Shift+O), browse for the folder ComputerPartsStoreManagement, click on Open Project.
- Step 3: Double click on DBQLCH.sql file. Connect to your MSSM18, press Ctrl+A and then press F5 or click on Execute button to create database.
- Step 4: On Apache NetBeans, on the left-hand side panel, navigate to formLogIn.java, and then hit Run Project or F6.
- Step 5: Feel free to use the application.
- Microsoft SQL Serrver Management Studio
- Apache NetBeans IDE 11.2
- Java SE Development Kit 13
- Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server
Nguyễn Đức Minh Nguyên (StudentID: 17520823) - University of Information Technology