Template board files for various stackups. Can be imported for other boards.
- Open your PCB
- Open Board Settings
- Choose Import Settings from Another Board
- Choose one of the template boards
- Find the capabilities and stackup info from your PCB manufacturer
- Create a new kicad project. Delete the schematic. Keep the pcb file.
- Add the kicad gitignore to the folder of your new template
- Create a readme in the folder with a more detailed explanation of the template's configuration
- Edit the pcb file. Open board settings.
- NOTE: You can import settings from another template as a starting point if you want
- Board Stackup
- Generally, do not edit board layers in the "Board Layers Editor"
- Physical Stackup
- Choose number of copper layers
- Check impedance controlled if applicable
- Edit dielectric constants (epsilon R)
- Choose board thickness
- Generally, leave colors unspecified
- Click "Adjust Dielectrick Thickness" button
- Generally, don't edit Board Finish settings (for templates). These may be changed per board sometimes.
- Solder Mask / Paste
- Edit all values to match manufacturer capabilities
- If not specified by manufacturer, leave defaults
- Text and Graphics
- Defaults
- Change all default sizes based on what makes sense for the board's manufacturing process
- If in doubt, use values from the JLCPCB 2 layer 1.6mm board template
- Make sure default unit of mils is used
- Formatting: No changes
- Text Variables: No changes
- Defaults
- Design Rules
- Constraints
- Fill in everything your manufactuerer specifies
- Make appropriate chances in the default netclass section
- Make no changes in other sections (that should be per-board not template)
- Constraints