Durable Queue Subscribers. A queue group can now be made durable. Check
FileStore implementation now uses index files to speed-up recovery
Ability to disable message caching to reduce memory footprint (previous implementation kept messages in memory after being persisted)
FileStore buffers shrink when possible to reduce memory footprint in the presence of many channels
Store limits can now be set to unlimited using 0 as a value
The Streaming server now supports its own configuration file. Check
The maximum age limit is now enforced
The server will now print to its log the reason of a startup failure before the panic
The server now enforces message limits after a restart (for FileStore) is updated with configuration and command line parameters usage
Vendor are updated
Performance for message delivery
Reduce/eliminate risk of write of partial records
Incorrect Duplicate durable subscription after server restart
Stopped redelivery for durables stopped while in a stalled state
Possible panic on server shutdown if messages were being published (only for FileStore)
Possible stall or redelivery of messages after a file compaction
Non durable subscriptions were not removed from FileStore on connection close
Possible stall of (re)delivery when messages are removed from the log
FileStore behavior when using very low limits (<5 messages, etc..)
FileStore issues when limits are reduced from one run to another
Complete Changes
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