A cron parser/generator with support for multiple cron dialect such as Quartz or Jenkins.
Add Cronix as a dependency using yarn
yarn add cronix
Or npm
npm install cronix
To parse an expression simply call the cronix function. By default expression are parsed according to the standard crontab format. You can specify the mode as a second parameter to change that behaviour.
import { cronix, CronixMode } from "cronix";
// Every day at 00:00
// const expression = "0 0 * * *";
const expression = {
minute: "0",
hour: "0"
const parsedCron = cronix(expression);
const cronAst = parsedCron.ast;
// Get the computed expression using the value() method
// should be equal to expression
// should be an empty array
expression.year = "*/2";
// Quartz supports a year field that is not available in standard cron
const parsedQuartz = cronix(expression, CronixMode.QUARTZ);
Alternatively you can use the class parser. Choose the implementation relevant to the desired dialect.
import { CronParser } from "cronix";
// Every day at 00:00
const expression = "0 0 * * *";
const parser = new CronParser();
const ast = parser.parse(expression);
// should be equal to expression
An object representing an input expression. Can be used when you only need to fill some fields and want to leave the rest to their default value *
field | type | optional | description |
minute | string |
yes | The minute field |
hour | string |
yes | The hour field |
dayOfMonth | string |
yes | The dayOfMonth field |
month | string |
yes | The month field |
dayOfWeek | string |
yes | The dayOfWeek field |
year | string |
yes | The year field. Quartz only |
second | string |
yes | The second field. Quartz only |
Parse an expression into the corresponding ast. The output can be a subclass of CronExpression
depending on the selected mode.
If parsing fails a CronixParserException
is thrown.
function cronix(expression: string|CronixExpression, mode: CronixMode): {ast: CronExpression|null, errors: ParserException[]}
Parameter | type | optional | description |
expression | string or CronixExpression |
The expression to parse | |
mode | CronixMode |
Yes (defaults to Crontab mode) | The parser mode. Available options are CRONTAB, JENKINS, or QUARTZ |
Return field | type | optional | description |
ast | CronExpression |
The parsed expression. Null if the input cannot be parsed | |
errors | array of ParserException |
The errors encountered by the parser |
Class holding a parsing context to reuse in repeated parsing. The base CronixParser class is abstract and should be subclassed to handle a specific dialect.
Dialect | type | constructor |
crontab | CronParser |
new CronParser() |
quartz | QuartzParser |
new QuartzParser() |
jenkins | JenkinsParser |
new JenkinsParser() |
Parse a cron expression according to the parser's context. Returns an ast corresponding to the parsed expression.
If parsing fails one or more ParserException
will be added to the error list and the return value will be null.
function CronixParser.parse(expression: string|CronixExpression): CronExpression
Parameter | type | optional | description |
expression | string or CronixExpression |
The expression to parse |
A getters that returns a list of errors encountered during. Useful for figuring out where the parsing fail. It is reset with each call of parse method.
An exception indicating an error occured during a parse or parseField call. It wraps the caught expression with an indication of the step at which it failed.
field | type | optional | description |
innerException | Error or ILexingError |
The root cause | |
step | lexing or parsing or semantic |
The step at which parsing failed |
Other fields are inherited from the Error interface definition
Below are described the different classes that composes the output AST. At the top is a single CronExpression instance, composed of several Field (minute, hour, day of month, ...) that can contain a list of either literals (singular expression) or dual expression (range or step). Dialects can have their own special expression.
The base interface for all nodes in the AST.
method | signature | description |
value | value(): string |
The generated value for this node. Recursively called for each child node. |
The root element of the AST. Can be subclassed by dialects wish to have a different signature (Quartz having the second field first).
method | signature | description |
constructor | CronExpression(minute?: SyntaxNode, hour?: SyntaxNode, dom?: SyntaxNode, month?: SyntaxNode, dow?: SyntaxNode |
Instantiate a CronExpression. Each field is optional and defaults to * |
Represents a single field in the cron expression.
method | signature | description |
constructor | Field(exprs: SyntaxNode[]) |
Instantiate a field with the given expressions |
Nodes containing terminal values in the ast. Can be a number or a literal alias (MON,TUE,SUN... for days for instance).
method | signature | description |
constructor | StringLiteral(value: string) |
Instantiate a literal with the given value |
An expression comprising of two node operands. Known implementations are range and step expression.
method | signature | description |
constructor | DualExpression(lhs: SyntaxNode, rhs: SyntaxNode) |
Instantiate a dual expression with the given operands |