a bioinformatic toolkit to align large sets of closely related genomes into a graph data structure
pangraph provides both a command line interface, as well as a Julia library, to find homology amongst large collections of closely related genomes. The core of the algorithm partitions each genome into pancontigs that represent a sequence interval related by vertical descent. Each genome is then an ordered walk along pancontigs; the collection of all genomes form a graph that captures all observed structural diversity. pangraph is a standalone tool useful to parsimoniously infer horizontal gene transfer events within a community; perform comparative studies of genome gain, loss, and rearrangement dynamics; or simply to compress many related genomes.
The core algorithm and command line tools are self-contained and require no additional dependencies. The library is written in and thus requires Julia to be installed on your machine. Julia binaries for all operating systems can be found here.
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/neherlab/pangraph.git && cd pangraph
Build the package. This will create a separate Julia environment for pangraph
julia --project=. -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.build()'
Enter the REPL
julia --project=.
Important please do not mix this method with that described above. Instead of creating a local PanGraph specific environment, this method will install into the Julia base environment. We recommend, unless for a specific reason, to default to installing within a local environment. However, if needed, global installation can be achieved by running
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/nnoll/minimap2_jll.jl"); Pkg.add(url="https://github.com/neherlab/pangraph.git")'
The PanGraph package is available globally within the Julia REPL.
Releases can be obtained from GitHub
Alternatively, pangraph can be built locally on your machine by running (inside the cloned repo)
export jc="path/to/julia/executable" make pangraph && make install
This will build the executable and place a symlink into bin/
Importantly, if jc
is not explicitly set, it will default to vendor/julia-$VERSION/bin/julia.
If this file does not exist, we will download automatically for the user, provided the host system is Linux or MacOSX.
Note, it is recommended by the PackageCompiler.jl documentation to utilize the officially distributed binaries, not those distributed by your Linux distribution.
As such, it may not work if you attempt to do so.
pangraph can optionally use both mash and MAFFT.
For full functionality, it is recommended to install these tools and have them available on $PATH
Alternatively, a script bin/setup-pangraph
is provided to install both tools into bin/
for Linux-based operating systems.
Please refer to the tutorials within the documentation for an in-depth usage guide. For a quick reference, see below.
Align a multi-fasta sequence.fa
and realign each pancontig with MAFFT
pangraph build sequence.fa | pangraph polish > graph.json
Export a graph graph.json
to GFA for visualization
pangraph export graph.json
Compute all pairwise graphs and estimate parsimonious number of events between strains.
Output all computed data to directory pairs
pangraph marginalize -d pairs graph.json
See Makefile for more real-world examples.
PanGraph: scalable bacterial pan-genome graph construction Nicholas Noll, Marco Molari, Richard Neher bioRxiv 2022.02.24.481757; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.24.481757