A preemptive scrapyd cluster built using Redis queues
- Free software: MIT license (including the work distributed under the Apache 2.0 licenWHEELse)
- Documentation: https://scrapyd.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
scrapyd >= 1.4.3
Install with pip
from PyPI:
pip install jh_scrapyd
editor scrapyd.conf
jobs_to_keep = 20000
# Finished task queue
jobstorage = scrapyd.jobstorage.SqliteJobStorage
# Scrapy main application
application = jh_scrapyd.app.application
# Queue system, queue related management
spiderqueue = jh_scrapyd.spiderqueue.JsonRedisPriorityQueue
# Web page management root
webroot = jh_scrapyd.website.Root
# Cancel queue task
cancel.json = jh_scrapyd.webservice.JhCancel
# Preemptive cluster debugging mode
is_debug = 1
# Add Redis to configure celarclear
host =
password =
port = 6379
db = 0
# Is there a unified queue (mainly used for different projects to share queue priority)
is_unified_queue = 1
# Queue prefix
queue_prefix = jh_scrapyd
# Number of pending tasks on the page, -1 Display all
tab_pending_count = 100