Releases: moode-player/moode
moOde audio player 9.2.5
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2025-02-23 Linux kernel 6.6.74, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to CamillaGUI 3.0.2
- Add Bluetooth auto-disconnect to Renderer Config
- Add Disable sync to AirPlay Config
- Update Quick help with ref to new Music Database documentation
- Update JB Radio2 (320K) playable URL
- Improve help on Bluetooth Control
Bug fixes
- Chip options button not working
- DLNA rebuild button not working
- Shairport-sync.conf not being updated during restore
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 5dcdae3565f523550b9148ec9d31f150825bd070ac01db0878ab443101c3d300
moOde audio player 9.2.4
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2025-02-06 Linux kernel 6.6.74, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
New features
- Play here (Opens new tab/window and plays MPD HTTP server stream)
- Bump to Linux kernel 6.6.74
- Bump to CamillaDSP 3.0.0
- Bump to CamillaDSP V3 configs
- Bump to pleezer 0.12.0
- Bump to shairport-sync 4.3.6
- Add mDNS option to Networking section of System Config
- Update BBC playable URL's
- Update JB Radio2 (320K) playable URL
- Improve grep for userid pi in function getUserID()
- Improve >> Players feature
- Improve border style for the badges
- Improve Startup options section of System Config
- Move "Integrated audio" option from System to Audio Config
Bug fixes
- Time slider position after moving the thumb
- Players discovery not working in certain cases
- Hotspot fail on Pi-3B
- Radio monitor settings missing from backup/restore
- SATA mount type missing from backup/restore
- No fallback probe when mediainfo is empty for DSD files
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 c95525b8fada1bdfa10dd3c6da6a89dea91fe23104ba730f0473821c41d3ca43
moOde audio player 9.2.3
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2025-01-21, Linux kernel 6.6.62, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to pleezer 0.10.0 (add support for podcast covers)
- Set S32 as default for cfg_deezer format param
- Improve Players feature: sort results and more accurate auto padding
Bug fixes
- Renderer metadata icons not responsive
- Audio info track tab showing when renderer is active
- Some Deezer Config settings not restored from backup
- PHP/NGINX upload increases not applied during in-place update
- Deezer password parsing
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 4c21f1184fd3a5d53c126363bd9532a8d40eaa8fe22d01955adcf80241550fde
moOde audio player 9.2.2
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2025-01-08, Linux kernel 6.6.62, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to pleezer 0.8.0
- Add support for Deezer live radio and podcasts
- Add new options to Deezer Config
- Add audio format badge to Deezer metadata
- Add audio format badge to Spotify metadata
- Improve Players feature: Add "Refresh screen" and "Rediscover" options
- Increase PHP/NGINX upload/transfer limits from 75M to 128M
Bug fixes
- IQaudIO Pi-DigiAMP+ not being unmuted during startup
- Restore fails when backup zip file size > 75M
- Audio info not showing for UPnP files
- Welcome notification gets clipped in certain landscape modes
- REST API commands sent via CLI can't access PHP session
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 53c144c16b1fb57659d9d3774a15236abb8e35ffdcddca76bbb0ef554b0a1057
moOde audio player 9.2.1
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-12-30, Linux kernel 6.6.62, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to pleezer 0.7.0
Bug fixes
- SATA mount listing in Library Config missing device and format
- SATA root folder icon missing in Folder View
- USB mounts missing from listing in Library Config
- Clipped renderer metadata icons
- Raw HTML entities showing up in CoverView artist line
- ALSA volmax not restored after Bluetooth disconnect w/CamillaDSP
- ALSA card number hard coded to 0 for Piano 2.1 DAC
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 ccf96b6e689be63a02940592bec213ae188adebd68eb0672787f6cf67a62e76a
moOde audio player 9.2.0
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-12-21, Linux kernel 6.6.62, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
New features
- Deezer Connect renderer with metadata and cover art
- Bump to Linux kernel 6.6.62
- Bump to shairport-sync 4.3.5
- Bump to upmpdcli 1.9.0
- Downgrade to chromium-browser 126.0.6478.164-rpt1 (new image)
- Add "Downgrade chromium" option to Peripheral Config
- Add PCIe SATA drive support to Library Config
- Add DSI port option to Peripheral Config
- Add Zeroconf port to Spotify Config
- Add FluxFM - Livestream (replaces FluxFM)
- Add FluxFM - Livestream (128K)
- Add FluxFM - 90's (320K)
- Add REST API commands: playitem | playitem_next
- Improve REST API return values for consistent JSON
- Improve layout of renderer metadata display
Bug fixes
- Bluetooth start failures due to being RF blocked
- Bluealsa-aplay fails to start after first-boot due to blank AUDIODEV
- Pi Touch 1 brightness not restored after return from screen blank
- Extra metadata under main cover showing raw html entity codes
- Audio info shows no info for some tracks
- Track year shows '00' if no date tag is present
- Various local display issues by reverting to chromium v126
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 8264eab82f1523ee27852f2aa59c3425cf958faa058386e3992d3bf1b000b3c0
moOde audio player 9.1.5
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-11-26, Linux kernel 6.6.51, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to librespot 0.6.0
- Add cover art and metadata display for Spotify Connect
- Add section to Quick help explaining date tags in the Library
- Add support for Pi 7 inch Touch screen 2
- Add HDMI screen orientation option to Peripheral Config
- Add channel/security info to Network Config
- Add fan control for temp0 dtparam to System Config
- Add optional password for SMB file sharing
- Remove AP fallback for Spotify Connect (not needed for >= v0.5.x)
- Minor WebUI style improvements
Bug fixes
- In-place update removes --disable-gpu in .xinitrc if present
- In-place update resets cfg_radio monitor field to 'No'
- Resolv.conf file not being updated when using static IP address
- Call to getAlsaIEC958Device() in multiroom.php aborts script
- Bad screensize reported in xinitrc when using firmware driver
- GPIO buttons crashing when GPIO 2 or 3 is used
- Wrong ALSA cardnum assigned to Multiroom sender during startup
- Auto-scroll to artist in Tag not working
- Crossfeed input field on Audio Config not updating
- Queue items not being HTML escaped correctly
- Date parsing for Playback view and Audio Info
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 998585eeea648d4b02d1f97c251b995f7b8e1af6c9a3b45437838e93a8197b8b
moOde audio player 9.1.4
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-10-26, Linux kernel 6.6.51, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Add WebUI alert notification for missing userid
- Add WebUI first use Welcome notification
- Add current release info to System Config
- Add Jazz de Ville radio stations; Chill/Dance/Groove/Jazz
- Add tag/value exclude option to auto-shuffle
- Improve MPD restart process used in Radio stream monitor
Bug fixes
- Spotify Connect event script not processing session connect/disconnect
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 93d92c0b7f22f83c2d8f77e50a2774a2fd81fd7f1646bbfac2066a0ef9bacebe
moOde audio player 9.1.3
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-10-16, Linux kernel 6.6.51, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important new features, updates and bug fixes as listed below.
- Bump to Linux kernel 6.6.51 (1:6.6.51-1+rpt3)
- Bump to librespot 0.5.0
- Add Backlight on/off option for Pi 7 inch Touch
- Add option to disable GPU for chromium-browser
- Add link to renderer Setup guide on Renderer Config
- Add stats for log2ram option on System Config
- Add Prefs option to enable Timed CoverView when MPD is playing
- Improve tracks section for mobile Tag/Album views
- Improve Spotify Connect event handling
- Improve to unmute when volume is changed
- Improve Clock Radio to add/play item if its not in the Queue
- Improve Prefs help for AlbumDate enhancement (Album year sort)
- Set default Opus frame size to 20ms for Multiroom
- Use higher res thumbnail for Stereo Test track
- Change Scala Radio to Magic Classical
Bug fixes
- Audio info output format when Multiroom sender on
- Log2ram memory size 32M not set by in-place update
- Knob sliders not visible on < pi4 local display
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 1d1bf2a8a2166d8766330281c50506e2957c1d164d3fa2b42f08bafd54b36376
moOde audio player 9.1.2
This release is based on RaspiOS Bookworm Lite most recent packages as of 2024-09-28, Linux kernel 6.6.47, our suite of custom drivers and patches, important new features, updates and bug fixes as listed below.
New features
- Write logs to memory using log2ram 1.7.2 (default on)
- Filter music file metadata for unwanted Cross-site scripting (XSS)
- Bump to camillagui 2.1.0-1moode2
- Add librespot auto-restart to watchdog
- Store Receiver hosts/addresses in cfg_system for robustness
- Remove Prefs Adaptive coloring (not used/bugs)
- Remove FluxFM - Hard Rock FM (discontinued by broadcaster)
Bug fixes
- Manually added radio logo thumb saved to wrong directory
- File currentsong.txt not being updated correctly for renderers
- Remove broken "Interface" line in Audio section of System info
- Adv Search and Auto-shuffle filter cause SECCHK when pipe character
- REST API's that use PHP session not working
- Play buttons not using correct color for class active
- LED control for Pi-5 not working correctly
Release notes:
Setup guide:
Raspberry Pi
ISO image (64-bit Bookworm)
SHA-256 b776440f9348ef0a7dc9ffcbb702add7e557a92a51ee6a4d97b03d96a69bd698