This is a playground environment of Monetha Platform running on Quorum blockchain using Raft consensus protocol (based on Quorum 7 nodes example).
This AMI allows you to jump straight into building apps using Monetha's verifiable data SDK, as described in our guide to identity and data management on Quorum.
The scripts in this repository build an AWS AMI image that allows you to launch a pre-configured EC2 instance with all of the needed tools inside.
Due to running 7 Quorum nodes on the same instance, you need to use an instance type that has at least 6GB of memory (e.g., t3.large
When you launch the EC2 instance, you can use SSH to connect to it.
The AMI is based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
. As such, the default username is ubuntu
. There is no password set to the account, you will need to use EC2 keypair to connect to the instance.
Quorum blockchain is deployed and configured to launch when you start the EC2 instance.
If you need to stop, start, or check the Quorum service status, you can use the following commands:
sudo systemctl status quorum.service
sudo systemctl start quorum.service
sudo systemctl stop quorum.service
The latest Monetha smart contracts get deployed when you launch the EC2 instance for the first time.
You can find the contract addresses in the /home/ubuntu/monetha-reputation-contracts/migrations.log
You can use Monetha's passport-scanner app to explore the digital identities on your Quorum blockchain. You can either follow the projects readme and setup the latest and greatest scanner version or you can download the latest passport-scanner release, open it, and point it to your Quorum nodes JSON-RPC port. You can use the following command to access the passport-scanner app (please note that it depends on Docker):
docker run -it --rm --name nginx --publish 80:80 -v </path/to/extracted/passport-scanner/files>:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro nginx
This AMI is based on Quorum 7 nodes example. You can use the following ports to connect to Quorum nodes JSON-RPC:
- node 1 - port
- node 2 - port
- node 3 - port
- node 4 - port
- node 5 - port
- node 6 - port
- node 7 - port
Please note that you will need to add these ports to the inbound rules for the AWS Security Group(s) to be able to reach them from outside of the instance.
Region | AMI ID |
ap-northeast-1 | ami-0ed9317deee6a31ab |
ap-northeast-2 | ami-03ad248d7ead9b007 |
ap-south-1 | ami-056d1404d94800529 |
ap-southeast-1 | ami-056b5e35fd1cc1fd4 |
ap-southeast-2 | ami-0ee95e34019191b70 |
ca-central-1 | ami-05e90bca87f8e9f08 |
eu-central-1 | ami-0006e03d602ad024c |
eu-north-1 | ami-069811847d42337cc |
eu-west-1 | ami-0cfb9c071bf75dae7 |
eu-west-2 | ami-058fe3ce006fc936a |
eu-west-3 | ami-05e2dfc55b1590404 |
sa-east-1 | ami-02964b43191f77a0f |
us-east-1 | ami-0526e67a852e0bb97 |
us-east-2 | ami-0c9a13dca5eb1d6e4 |
us-west-1 | ami-01e94a50cab3cbfef |
us-west-2 | ami-0b088d7eb8e6eb59c |