-Install "Firebase_Arduino_WiFi101" library from "manage libray" in Arduino IDE.
-Download notify_android library abd add it to the library folder.
-Install the android application from play store "mkr_notify".
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1-go to the android application "mkr_notify" a)insert your username and password,you should see "success!!!" as a toast. b)click "sign up" 1-Open the example in your Arduino IDE.
2- #define WIFI_SSID "" ----your wifi's name #define WIFI_PASSWORD "" ----your wifi's password #define username "" -----the username wich was used on the android application #define password "" -----the password wich was used on the android application #define title"" -----the title of the notification. #define body "" ----the body of the notification.
3-upload the code into your mkr1000 board
4-return to your android application and click "begin" to be able to see your notification appear on your phone.
5-the "mkr_notify" is a service and is working on the background so you can close the application and you continue receiving the notification.
6-click "stop" to stop receiving the notification if you want that.
7-Note that to restart receiving the notification you must restart the application and it will restart the service automatically.