This project is built under supervision of EgFWD program.
This project is payment order application. It is a simulation for the mini pay device that we're all use for paying in shops. Software is designed to be modular, reliable, maintainable and reusable.
Folder structure:
│ └───Card
│ └─── card.h
│ └─── card.c
│ └───Terminal
│ └─── terminal.h
│ └─── terminal.c
│ └───Server
│ └─── server.h
│ └─── server.c
│ └───Application
│ └─── application.h
│ └─── application.c
│ └───main.c
│ └───PaymentApplication.exe
Card module: The module used to handle the card informations.
Terminal module: The module used to handle the real time input payment data.
Server module: The module used to process the payment transaction.
Application module: The module used to handle the modules and make them work together.
Project is built with error handling that can help the user/developer to maintin and develop the program.
To edit and compile in this project run this command in the project folder
gcc Card/card.c Terminal/terminal.c Server/server.c Application/application main.c -o App.exe
That's it. Enjoy the testing & learning.
It is easy ro run and test the project. All you have to do is to write
int main(void)
and the whole project will run automatically.
Add more features and automate test cases.
Add cmake file to make it easy to build & run.
The credits back to the EgFWD Embedded Systems Professional Track powered by itida.
And specially thanks to Eng Yehia M.Abu Eita