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Releases: mohakapt/react-native-js-tableview


09 Aug 15:46
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 This version introduces <IconCell /> which is a new cell type derived from <AccessoryCell />. Most existing cells are now derived from <IconCell />. Also, this version comes with some bug fixes and refinements. Thanks to @yuhao1118 and @yk4to for their contributions.

🚨 Breaking Changes:

  • <SwitchCell /> on iOS doesn't switch when the cell itself is pressed anymore, a new prop called switchOnCell is now introduced to control whether the cell controls the switch.
  • The header text for the <Section /> component is now uppercase by default.

✨ What's new:

  • Use TouchableOpacity and TouchableHighlight on the web instead of the TouchableNativeFeedback that was causing crashes.
  • Added headerCapitalized and footerCapitalized to <Section />. These properties control whether the header and footer are uppercase. The default is true on iOS, false on Android or Web.
  • Added titleNumberOfLines, titleEllipsizeMode, subtitleNumberOfLines, and subtitleEllipsizeMode props to <StaticCell />.
  • Added switchOnCell to <SwitchCell /> which controls whether a press on the cell itself toggles the switch.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that was causing the library not to work on the web.
  • Fixed a few issues in the TypeScript types.


14 Jul 14:47
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 This version has new support for the inset-grouped style added in iOS 14, the old grouped style is still supported but inset-grouped became the default style, I also updated the default accessory icons to match the new SF Symbols on iOS. Also, this version comes with some bug fixes and refinements. Thanks to @MadDeveloper and @Fus1onDev for their contributions.

🚨 Breaking Changes:

  • inset-grouped became the default style, If you want to keep the old style set the prop mode to Platform.OS === 'ios' ? 'grouped' : 'inset-grouped' on your <Table />.

✨ What's new:

  • Implemented a new inset-grouped section style.
  • Updated accessory icons to the new SF Symbols.
  • Updated the color palette on iOS to the latest one used by Apple.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a warning when using conditional nodes inside <Section />
  • Restyled cell separators and used hairlineWidth as separator height.
  • Removed an unnecessary margin in <StaticCell />.


15 Aug 13:05
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 This version has a new dark theme i call it midnight, this theme is implemented using iOS 13 and Android Q new dark theme standards so it will look and consistent with the rest of the system (The old dark theme is still supported for backwards compatibility). Also this version comes with some bug fixes and refinements.

✨ What's new:

  • Implemented a new midnight theme.
  • Exported getColorPalette() and blendColors() functions (If you want to use them in your app).
  • Added colorPalette prop to <Table /> so you can provide your own color palette.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in <BioCell /> where cell margins would disappear sometimes.
  • Refined some TypeScript types.
  • Fixed a bug in all cells where disabled prop wouldn't get passed from <Section />.


10 Jul 08:50
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 In this version i converted all functional components to class components, This is useful if you want to get a ref from one of the components as functional components don't support refs. Also this version contains some bug fixes and refinements.

✨ What's new:

  • Converted functional components to class components.
  • Started to use react context instead of injecting prop for theme and accent color.
  • Added Typescript typings for all components.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in <TouchableCell /> where onPress callback would fire twice.
  • Changed ripple color in dark theme to a lighter color on TouchableNativeFeedback.


06 Nov 11:37
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 This version fixes some bugs and brings a new feature to the <AccessoryCell /> and its children. Now you can show an <ActivityIndicator /> in place of accessory by providing loading={true} to the cell.

💥 Breaking Changes:

  • Renamed isScrollable to scrollable to stay consistent with React naming scheme.

✨ What's new:

  • Added loading prop to the following components: <AccessoryCell />, <KeyValueCell />, <StaticCell />, <BioCell /> and <TouchableCell />.

🐛 Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug in <KeyValueCell /> where the margins weren't showing correctly.
  • Fixed a bug in all components containing a <Text /> component.


27 Oct 07:56
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Good day, Everyone! 👋 I was very excited to try the new Dark Mode on macOS Mojave and I loved it. So i decided to watch all dark mode related WWDC sessions and implement dark mode in react-native-js-tableview using the same method Apple is using.
I hope you like it and use it to start implementing dark mode in your own apps.

💥 Breaking Changes:

  • Removed isEnabled in favor of disabled to stay consistent with React naming scheme.
  • Removed coloring related props from all components In order to support Dark Mode. You can still override colors by adding custom styles to the components.

✨ What's new:

  • Added theme and blendAccent props to the <Table /> component.
  • Added disabled to all components and make it inherited prop, meaning if you disabled the parent component all children components will be disabled.