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MOBtexting SMS Module Plugin For Vtiger CRM

Step 0 - Make sure this is for you

First download the installation kit and test if this code works for you. If the module installed fine, then you are ready to go. I will try to give some basic steps on how to build this. Follow the steps, but also the code showed on GitHub.

Step 1 - The manifest file

Create an empty folder which will hold all the files. Generally I will refer to this folder as root. First thing we need is the manifest.xml file. This file is must and the module name is SMSNotifier.

Step 2 - The module class

Create a folder named modules in the root folder and inside create folders SMSNotifier\providers\ under the file MOBTexting.php and you need to handle Vtiger events, also add SMSNotifierHandler.php file in SMSNotifier\ under the folder.

Step 3 - Adding the language file

The Next step is to add the language file so, create a folder named languages and put it inside the root folder. Inside languages put another folder named en_us and place inside it the file SMSNotifier.php. It must make the en_us folder and create a new folder as Settings\ inside it the file SMSNotifier.php. For other languages use the specific code, e.g. de_de, en_gb, es_es, ro_ro etc.

Step 4 - Adding a module template (layout)

You need to create a certain file structure, \root\layouts\v7\modules\Settings\SMSNotifier\. Inside the last folder there will be to files: BaseProviderEditFields.tpl and MobTexting.tpl

Step 5 - Creating the zip package

Now that we have all the files needed, let's just create the final package. When inside the root folder, select all the files and create an archive. When viewing the archive contents, manifest.xml and the other folders need to be directly visible (no other folders in between). Do NOT archive the root folder itself.

Step 6 - See in action

Create a new organization (or change an existing one). When the event vtiger.entity.aftersave is triggered, the data will be pass to the event handler in the module.

Step 7 - Flow

  • manifest.xml needs to be present
  • Vtiger version in the manifest file must meet the minimum criteria defined by the Vtiger version you are running
  • language file needs to be present
  • files inside the package must have a certain structure in folders;   not having the expected structure leads to confuse error messages
  • language file name must fit the module name.

Vtiger CRM Steps:

  1. Vtiger CRM is available as both Open Source so download it first and install.

  2. After installed, login admin panel, and you can see left side Settings / CRM Settings so open that option.

  3) Next module management page it will open, choose modules anyone options.

  1. Next page Right side top you can see the Import Module from zip button click and open.

5) It will open a new  page then select the `accept` option, and then it will ask which zip file you would like to install so choose the `module zip file` after click the import button.

  1. It will give a warning of SMS Notifier Exits don't worry about that just select the Update Now button it will be installing.

7) After installed hover on `SMS Notifier` setting it will show `Settings` button Click and open `Server configuration`.

8) Then, you can see on right side top `New Configuration` button open it.

9) Select the `provider` option of  `MOBtexting`,    Then give the `access token, service, sender` all are mandatory fields.        Provides resources for developers using MOBtexting API platforms (    

  1. Finally select Active yes and save it, Then use MOBtexting SMS Provider.

    Enjoy! (*_*) (^.^)...     


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