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Releases: mlafeldt/chef-runner


10 Feb 12:01
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  • Add ability to provision the host system with -L or --local. This way, you
    can use chef-runner as a convenient wrapper around Chef to manage your
    workstation or to create Docker images. Note: This is going to replace -M
    (--machine) as the default target soon.
  • Add --sudo=false option to not run commands using sudo. This currently
    affects Omnibus installer and Chef itself.
  • Add --resolver option to specify the cookbook dependency resolver to use.
    Available resolvers are: berkshelf, librarian, and dir. Without this
    option, the resolver is still selected based on the files in the current


  • Move most documentation from README to the chef-runner wiki. The
    README was too long, making it too hard to find relevant information. Now it
    only contains the most essential information.
  • You can now install chef-runner as a Debian package on most Ubuntu and Debian
    distributions, and as an RPM package on Centos. See the wiki
    to learn more.
  • Partial matching of Test Kitchen instance names. For example, chef-runner -K ubuntu will provision the instance "default-ubuntu-1404" if that's the first
    instance with the string "ubuntu" in its name. Note: The matching does not
    support regular expressions. (Thanks to @StephenKing for the idea.)
  • Embed Omnibus installer instead of downloading it from the Internet. Now the script is part of chef-runner's source code and we have total
    control of what it does.


16 Nov 08:29
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  • Support using chef-runner on Windows. New releases will include
    cross-compiled Windows binaries. Requires ssh.exe and rsync.exe to be
    installed. ssh.exe is included in MinGW (Git Bash). rsync.exe must be
    configured to use destination-default permissions when provisioning Unix-like
    systems: chef-runner --rsync --no-p --rsync --no-g --rsync --chmod=ugo=rwX.
  • Allow to specify one or more custom OpenSSH options on the command line, e.g.
    chef-runner --ssh LogLevel=debug --ssh "ProxyCommand ...". See
    ssh_config(5) for a list of available options and their format. (Thanks to
    @berniedurfee who requested this feature.)
  • Allow to specify one or more custom Rsync options on the command line, e.g.
    chef-runner --rsync --progress. See rsync(1) for a list of available
  • Add --color=false option to disable colorized output.


  • Support standard Chef syntax for composing the run list: entries may be
    separated by comma, and an entry named foo will now expand to foo::default
    (see BREAKING CHANGES for more information). As a result, something like
    chef-runner recipe[cats],dogs::bar now does what Chef users would expect.
  • Install Chef using a smart shell wrapper around Omnibus Installer instead of
    running complicated shell commands over SSH. Move installer logic from Chef
    Solo provisioner to new omnibus package.
  • The option --version now also outputs the Go version that was used to
    compile chef-runner.


  • Adapt run list syntax to Chef's standard: a run list entry named foo will
    now expand to foo::default. Before, foo was treated as a local recipe and
    expanded to <cookbook>::foo. Local recipes now need to be passed as ::foo
    instead. This change also simplifies run list composition when multiple
    cookbooks are involved, e.g. chef-runner apt postgresql::client nginx.
  • No longer run Rsync in verbose mode by default. To get back the old output,
    you need to use --rsync --verbose now.


12 Sep 06:17
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  • Add ability to provision Test Kitchen instances that are reachable over SSH.
    For this, specify the name of a running instance using -K (or --kitchen).


  • Use run list from JSON file if it contains the run_list attribute. Recipes
    passed on the command line will still override this list, and
    recipes/default.rb is still the default. (Thanks to @arosenhagen who
    requested this feature.)
  • Strip all non-cookbook files after resolving dependencies. This ensures that
    only essential cookbook files are copied to target machines, further saving
  • Report overall duration when chef-runner is done.
  • Extend script/build to auto-generate chef-runner's Homebrew formula when
    building a new release with --release.
  • Extend script/coverage to push test coverage statistics from Travis CI to


28 Aug 14:41
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  • Add ability to install Chef before provisioning. This allows you to, for
    example, provision bare servers that have nothing installed but the base
    operating system. For this, use the new -i option (or --install-chef).
  • Add support for Berkshelf v3 in addition to v2. (Thanks to @arosenhagen for
    the original pull request!)
  • Re-add long option names like --host and --json-attributes. Those were
    removed when porting chef-runner to Go (v0.2.0).
  • Re-add ability to install chef-runner via Homebrew.


  • Add Quick Start guide to README.
  • Only prepend bundle exec to Ruby commands if Bundler is actually installed.
    A Gemfile alone is no longer enough.
  • Add basic Godoc documentation to all parts of the source code. As a result,
    golint no longer reports any coding style issues.
  • Run golint style checks on Travis CI.


  • Change default output format of Chef from null to doc. The former is the
    default used by Vagrant, while the latter is the actual default of Chef Solo.


14 Aug 15:33
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This release brings a couple of improvements to how cookbook dependencies are resolved, making it possible to use chef-runner as a "general purpose Chef provisioner" outside of a cookbook directory. (Thanks to @guilhem for the idea!)

For this, chef-runner now follows these rules:

  • If the current directory contains a Berksfile, Berkshelf is used to manage
  • If the current directory contains a Cheffile, Librarian-Chef is used to
    manage cookbooks.
  • If the current directory is a cookbook with a metadata.rb file that defines
    the cookbook's name, only this cookbook is copied to the right place.
  • The same is done when dependencies have already been resolved with Berkshelf
    or Librarian-Chef to reduce overall provisioning time.
  • metadata.rb is only required when defining recipes in a format other than
    cookbook::recipe. The standard syntax cookbook::recipe should always work.
  • chef-runner fails if no cookbooks can be found.

Other improvements:

  • Configure Chef to verify all HTTPS connections. This removes the SSL warning
    message printed at the start of every Chef run. (Internally, ssl_verify_mode
    is set to :verify_peer, which is going to be the new default someday.)
  • Add script/coverage to generate code coverage statistics for Go packages.
  • Test dependency handling and provisioning more thoughtfully.
  • Log most executed commands when log level is set to debug.
  • Improve many parts of the README.
  • Add Go documentation to some packages.


03 Aug 22:14
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  • Support provisioning of "global" Vagrant machines via their UUID. For this,
    pass the UUID reported by vagrant global-status to chef-runner's -M
    option. Among other things, this new feature allows you to provision Vagrant
    machines managed by Test Kitchen.
  • Use Librarian-Chef to install cookbook dependencies if Cheffile exists.
    (Also removes temporary Librarian-Chef files from cookbooks before
    transferring them.)
  • New option -version shows the current program version as well as target OS
    and architecture.


  • Extend script/build to enable building of download archives with pre-built
    chef-runner binaries for OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD. Builds triggered
    by this script report the exact Git version that is being compiled.
  • Show error message of vagrant ssh-config in case it fails.


30 Jul 19:51
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The goal of this release is to ssh all the things in order to support any system reachable over SSH. In addition to local Vagrant machines, chef-runner can now provision remote machines like EC2 instances. To achieve this, I made the following changes:

  • The argument passed to -H now has the format [user@]hostname[:port],
    allowing you to optionally change SSH user and port. (Other SSH settings can
    be set via ~/.ssh/config.)
  • rsync over SSH is used to transfer files to /tmp/chef-runner on the target
    machine. chef-runner no longer depends on /vagrant being mounted.
  • With Vagrant, instead of running commands via vagrant ssh, feed the output
    of vagrant ssh-config into OpenSSH. The same SSH configuration is used to
    upload files with rsync.

Other changes:

  • Introduce flexible driver concept (inspired by Test Kitchen). A driver is
    responsible for running commands on and uploading files to a machine using
    whatever mechanism is available. chef-runner currently contains drivers for
    Vagrant and SSH, but more can -- and will -- be added.
  • Always transfer files with rsync --compress to speed things up.
  • Remove Cucumber scenarios. They didn't add much value to the Go tests and were
    very slow. Now Travis builds are much faster.
  • More and better Go tests.
  • More and better log messages.
  • Option -h outputs more useful usage text (the one shown in the README).

v0.2.0 (Go rewrite)

18 Jul 13:36
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This release is a complete rewrite of chef-runner in Go -- a real programming language that makes it easier to maintain and extend the code base.

The rewrite includes the following changes:

  • chef-runner no longer uses Vagrant's Chef configuration. Instead, it creates
    its own local .chef-runner folder where configuration data and cookbooks are
    stored. This is the first step towards supporting systems other than Vagrant.
  • chef-runner no longer supports long option names like --host and
    --json-attributes. All original short options are still supported though.
  • rsync now only copies actual cookbook files and is run in verbose mode by
  • Events are now properly logged to the console (in color!). The log level can
    be controlled via the CHEF_RUNNER_LOG environment variable.
  • There are new scripts for bootstrapping, building, and testing the project in

Hope you enjoy the rewrite. More features to come soon!


30 Dec 16:28
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  • Add ability to install chef-runner using Homebrew. Thanks to @fh!
  • Define environment variable CHEF_RUNNER_DEBUG to print commands and their
    arguments as they are executed (set -x).
  • Fix Cucumber step that handles a command with an option.
  • Update documentation.
  • Update Cucumber gem.
  • Only test against one version of Ruby on Travis.


29 Nov 13:46
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  • Add Cucumber features.
  • Add Travis CI config.
  • Move chef-runner script to bin/ folder.
  • Document tips on how to further speed things up.