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How to Create an InSpec Profile Release

George M. Dias edited this page Jul 19, 2024 · 4 revisions

The process of creating an InSecc Profile release is as follows (includes cloning the repo).

Set up the development environment

  • Clone the repo for the InSpec Profile being updated
  • Create a new branch. Brach name format is as follows:
    • v{x}r{y}.{z}, the format represent the changes between releases of the benchmark. The values align with the STIG releases for the Benchmark found at the DISA STIG Document Library where:
      • {x} aligns to the Version of the STIG Benchmark,
      • {y} aligns to the Release of the Benchmark, and
      • {z} aligns to the 'Release' of the tagged release of the profile as we fix or improve the tests.
  • Create a pull request (PR) where all changes are tracked
  • Make the necessary updates/modifications

Release based on updates criteria

Updating MINOR or PATCH version

  • Create the new release tag full name (e.g., tag name full: v1.13.4) by invoking the following command:
    • git tag -a <tagNameFull>
  • Delete previous major release tag (e.g., tag name major: v1) by invoking the following command:
    • git push --delete origin <tagNameMajor>
  • Re-add the major release tag (e.g., tag name major: v1) to reference the latest semantic version tag by invoking the following command:
    • git tag -f -a <tagNameMajor>
  • Push the tags to the remote repository by invoking the following command:
    • git push --atomic origin main <tagNameFull> <tagNameMajor>
  • If you receive an error when pushing the tag, try pushing individually with:
    • git push origin tag <tagNameFull>
    • git push origin tag <tagNameMajor>


  • To view current tags use the command git tag
  • If annotation is need use the -m when creating the tag (e.g., git tag -a -m "Annotation goes here" <tagNameFull>)
  • The annotation will be displayed in the release notes
  • Notice that when adding (Re-add) the major release tag the command includes a force flag: -f.

Update MAJOR version

  • Create the new release tag full name (e.g., tag name full: v1.13.4) by invoking the following command:
    • git tag -a <tagNameFull>
  • Add the new major release tag (e.g., tag name major: v2) to reference the latest semantic version tag by invoking the following command:
    • git tag -f -a <tagNameMajor>
  • Push the tags to the remote repository by invoking the following command:
    • git push --atomic origin <branch name> <tagNameFull> <tagNameMajor>
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