The goal of hcesR is to create a package that will help with the
analysis of the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) data. A
good source of HCES data is the world bank microdata
repository. The package will contain
functions that will help with the analysis of HCES data. The package
also contains a
sample_hces.dta used
to demonstrate the use of the functions in the package, you can download
this data after installing the package by running
in your R console. The package is still under
development and will be updated regularly.
The goal of the hcesNutR project is to create a repository of functions and data that will help with the analysis of the Household Consumption Expenditure Survey (HCES) data. A good source of HCES data is the world bank microdata repository.
The package contain functions that will help with the analysis of HCES data. The package also contains the sample data used in this book i.e. r4hces-data/mwi-ihs5-sample-data We will use this sample data to demonstrate the use of the functions in the package. The package is still under development and will be updated regularly.
Please report any bugs or issues here.
You can install the development version of hcesNutR from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
As we discussed in previous chapters you need to load the package in your R session before you can use it. You can load the package by running the following code in your R console.
You can view the functions in the package by running the following code in your R console.
You can read the functions and their description on the project website at:
The data used in this example is randomly generated to mimic the structure of the Fifth Integrated Household Survey 2019-2020 an HCES of Malawi. The variables and structure of this data is found here
All functions in this package take a dataframe/tibble as input data.
This is by design to allow flexibility on input data. The example used
here is for use on stata files with .dta
but the functions should work
with .csv
files as well.
Import the sample data from the r4hces-data/mwi-ihs5-sample-data
folder. Use the read_dta
function from the haven
package to import
# Import the data using the haven package from the tidyverse
sample_hces <-
In this example we will use hcesNutR
functions to demonstrate
processing of total
consumption data. The total
consumption data is
the data that contains the total consumption of each food item by each
The other consumption columns contain values for consumption from sources i.e. gifted, purchased, ownProduced. The workflow for processing the “other” consumption data is the same as demonstrated below.
# Trim the data to total consumption
sample_hces <- sample_hces |>
The sample_hces
data is in stata format which contains data with short
column name codes that have associated “question” labels that explain
the contents of the data. To make the column names more interpretable,
the package provides the rename_hces
function, which can be used to
rename the column codes to standard hces names used downstream.
The rename_hces
function uses column names from the
dataset within the package.
Alternatively, a user can create their own name pairs or manually rename
their columns to the standard
It is important to note that all downstream functions in the hcesNutR
package work with standard names and will not work with the short column
names. Therefore, it is recommended to use the rename_hces()
to ensure that the column names are consistent with the package’s naming
For more information on how to use the rename_hces
function, please
refer to the function’s documentation:
# Rename the variables
sample_hces <- hcesNutR::rename_hces(sample_hces,
country_name = "MWI",
survey_name = "IHS5")
HCES surveys administer a standard questionaire to each household where
they are asked to conform whether they consumed the food items on their
standard list. If a household did not consume a food item, the value of
the ‘consYN’ is set to a constant. The remove_unconsumed
removes all food items that were not consumed by the household. The
function takes in a data frame and the name of the column that contains
the consumption information. The function also takes in the value that
indicates that the food item was consumed.
# Remove unconsumed food items
sample_hces <- hcesNutR::remove_unconsumed(sample_hces,
consCol = "consYN",
consVal = 1)
The create_dta_labels
function creates two columns from each dbl+lbl
(double plus label) column. The first column contains the numeric values
and the second column contains the labels. The function takes in a data
frame and finds all columns that contains the double plus label column.
The function returns a data frame with the new columns.
# Split dbl+lbl columns
sample_hces <- hcesNutR::create_dta_labels(sample_hces)
Some HCES data surveys split consumed food items or their consumption
units into multiple columns. The concatenate_columns
function cleans
the data by combining the split columns into one column. The function
can exclude values from contatenation by specifying the whole or part of
values to be excluded.
# Merge food item names
sample_hces <-
# Merge consumption unit names. For units it is essential to remove parentesis as they are the major cause of duplicate units
sample_hces <-
Use the select
and rename
functions from the dplyr package to subset
the columns containing food item name , food item code, food unit name
and food unit code. This is to ensure that the names are meaningful and
consistent with the package’s naming conventions.
sample_hces <- sample_hces |>
) |>
dplyr::rename(food_name = item_code_name,
food_code = item_code_code,
cons_unit_code = cons_unitA)
The match_food_names
function is useful for standardising survey food
names. This is feasible due to an internal dataset of standard food item
names matched with their corresponding survey food names for supported
surveys. Alternatively users can use their own food matching names by
passing a csv to the function. See hcesNutR::food_list for csv
sample_hces <-
country = "MWI",
survey = "IHS5",
food_name_col = "food_name",
food_code_col = "food_code",
overwrite = FALSE
The match_food_units_v2
function is useful for standardising survey
consumption units. This is feasible due to an internal dataset of
standard consumption units matched with their corresponding survey
consumption units for supported surveys. Alternatively users can
download our template from hcesNutR::unit_names_n_codes_df
and modify
it to use their own consumption unit matching names.
sample_hces <-
country = "MWI",
survey = "IHS5",
unit_name_col = "cons_unit_name",
unit_code_col = "cons_unit_code",
matches_csv = NULL,
overwrite = FALSE
Identify the HCES module that contains household identifiers
. In some
cases this will already be present in the HCES data and should be
skipped. From the household identifiers
select the ones that are
required and add to the data. In this example we will add the region and
district identifiers to the data from the hh_mod_a_filt.dta
# Import household identifiers from the hh_mod_a_filt.dta file
household_identifiers <-
"hh_mod_a_filt_vMAPS.dta")) |>
# subset the identifiers and keep only the ones needed.
region) |>
dplyr::rename(hhid = HHID)
# Add the identifiers to the data
sample_hces <-
by = c("hhid", "case_id"))
The create_measure_id
function creates a measure id column that is
used to identify the consumption measure of each food item. The function
takes in a data frame and the name of the column that contains the
consumption information. The function also takes in the value that
indicates that the food item was consumed.
The measure_id
is a unique identifier that allows us to join the
consumption data with the food conversion factors data.
# Create measure id column
sample_hces <-
country = "MWI",
survey = "IHS5",
cols = c("region",
include_ISOs = FALSE
The available data comes with a `food_conversion fcators file which has conversion fcators that link the food names and units to their corresponding
# Import food conversion factors file
IHS5_conv_fct <-
We need to check if the conversion factors file contain all the expected
conversion factors for the hces data being processed. The
function checks if the conversion factors file contains
all the expected conversion factors for the hces data being processed. T
Remember this data was randomly generated so it is expected that the
weights will not be realistic. Also not all food items have conversion
factors so the weight of those food items will be NA
# Check conversion factors
check_conv_fct(hces_df = sample_hces,
conv_fct_df = IHS5_conv_fct)
The apply_wght_conv_fct
function will take the hces_df
and calculate the weight of each food item in kilograms.
Remember this data was randomly generated so it is expected that the
weights will not be realistic. Also not all food items have conversion
factors so the weight of those food items will be NA
sample_hces <-
hces_df = sample_hces,
conv_fct_df = IHS5_conv_fct,
factor_col = "factor",
measure_id_col = "measure_id",
wt_kg_col = "wt_kg",
cons_qnty_col = "cons_quant",
allowDuplicates = TRUE
The ame/afe factors are calculated using the following assumptions: - Merge HH demographic data with AME/AFE factors - Men’s weight: 65kg (assumption) - Women’s weight: 55kg (from DHS) - PAL: 1.6X the BMR
In order to calculate the AFE and AME metrics we require the following
data: - Household roster with the sex and age of each individual
- Household health HH_MOD_D_vMAPS.dta
- AFE and
# Import data of the roster and health modules of the IHS5 survey
ihs5_roster <-
ihs5_health <-
# Import data of the AME/AFE factors and specifications
ame_factors <-
ame_spec_factors <-
"IHS5_AME_SPEC_vMAPS.csv")) |>
janitor::clean_names() |>
# Rename the population column to cat and select the relevant columns
dplyr::rename(cat = population) |>
dplyr::select(cat, ame_spec, afe_spec)
# Extra energy requirements for pregnancy and Illness
pregnantPersons <- ihs5_health |>
dplyr::filter(hh_d05a == 28 |
hh_d05b == 28) |>
# NOTE: 28 is the code for pregnancy in this survey
dplyr::mutate(ame_preg = 0.11, afe_preg = 0.14) |>
dplyr::select(HHID, ame_preg, afe_preg)
# Process the roster data and rename variables to be more intuitive
aMFe_summaries <- ihs5_roster |>
# Rename the variables to be more intuitive
dplyr::rename(sex = hh_b03, age_y = hh_b05a, age_m = hh_b05b) |>
dplyr::mutate(age_m_total = (age_y * 12 + age_m)) |>
# Add the AME/AFE factors to the roster data
dplyr::left_join(ame_factors, by = c("age_y" = "age")) |>
ame_base = dplyr::case_when(sex == 1 ~ ame_m, sex == 2 ~ ame_f),
afe_base = dplyr::case_when(sex == 1 ~ afe_m, sex == 2 ~ afe_f),
age_u1_cat = dplyr::case_when(
# NOTE: Round here will ensure that decimals are not omited in the calculation.
round(age_m_total) %in% 0:5 ~ "0-5 months",
round(age_m_total) %in% 6:8 ~ "6-8 months",
round(age_m_total) %in% 9:11 ~ "9-11 months"
) |>
# Add the AME/AFE factors for the specific age categories
dplyr::left_join(ame_spec_factors, by = c("age_u1_cat" = "cat")) |>
# Dietary requirements for children under 1 year old
ame_lac = dplyr::case_when(age_y < 2 ~ 0.19),
afe_lac = dplyr::case_when(age_y < 2 ~ 0.24)
) |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
# TODO: Will it not be better to have the pregnancy values added at the same time here?
dplyr::mutate(ame = sum(c(ame_base, ame_spec, ame_lac), na.rm = TRUE),
afe = sum(c(afe_base, afe_spec, afe_lac), na.rm = TRUE)) |>
# Calculate number of individuals in the households
dplyr::group_by(HHID) |>
hh_persons = dplyr::n(),
hh_ame = sum(ame),
hh_afe = sum(afe)
) |>
# Merge with the pregnancy and illness data
dplyr::left_join(pregnantPersons, by = "HHID") |>
dplyr::rowwise() |>
dplyr::mutate(hh_ame = sum(c(hh_ame, ame_preg), na.rm = T),
hh_afe = sum(c(hh_afe, afe_preg), na.rm = T)) |>
dplyr::ungroup() |>
# Fix single household factors
hh_ame = dplyr::if_else(hh_persons == 1, 1, hh_ame),
hh_afe = dplyr::if_else(hh_persons == 1, 1, hh_afe)
) |>
dplyr::select(HHID, hh_persons, hh_ame, hh_afe) |>
dplyr::rename(hhid = HHID)
We will use the left_join
function from dplyr
to join the
consumption data with the aMFe_summaries
The left_join
function will join the aMFe_summaries
data to the
data by matching the hhid
column in both data sets.
The left_join
function will add the hh_persons
, hh_ame
columns to the sample_hces
The hh_persons
column contains the number of people in each household.
The hh_ame
and hh_afe
columns contain the AME and AFE factors for
each household.
sample_hces <- sample_hces |>
Now we have a “clean” data set that we can use for analysis.
This chapter demonstrated the use of the hcesNutR
package to process
HCES data. The package contains functions that will help with the
analysis of HCES data.
The package also contains the sample data used in this book i.e. r4hces-data/mwi-ihs5-sample-data We used this sample data to demonstrate the use of the functions in the package.
The package is still under development and will be updated regularly.Please report any bugs or issues here.
- Add more functions to the package
- Support more surveys (NGA Living Standards Survey 2018-2019)
- Add more internal data to the package
- Add more documentation to the package