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Example repository to create a live acoustic telemetry dashboard using R, Quarto, and the GitHub Actions REST API


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Build an acoustic telemetry dashboard using the GitHub REST API

Check out an example dashboard here: Note that this is just an example -- the receiver was removed from the water on October 15, 2024 and is no longer transmitting data.

This repository leverages GitHub Actions to build a dashboard displaying data sent in from a deployed Innovasea Rx-LIVE or VR2C receiver. Data which have been pulled from the receiver using a remote computer (details on that soon) are sent via HTTP to the GitHub REST API (dummy example at work/payload_sender.R). This triggers a GitHub Action (ingest.yaml) that installs Quarto, R, and associated R packages; parses the data stream; logs it in a CSV "database"; and builds a Quarto dashboard.

Code for the dashboard is under dashboard/index.qmd and can be adapted to your liking.


To give this a test:

  1. Clone this repository. You can also fork it, but make sure "Copy the main branch only" is NOT checked.
  2. Create a GitHub personal access token with read and write access to actions. Make sure you save this somewhere!
  3. In Settings > Pages, make sure Source is "Deploy from a branch" and Branch is "gh-pages".
  4. Send the dashboard some data! You can do this a whole bunch of ways, including using curl as in the image above; with the httr2 R package as in the example located in work/payload_sender.R (exchange the word "TOKEN" in line 7 with your GitHub PAT and emember not to commit this line to GitHub!!); or, after running it at least once, with the "Run workflow" button under Actions > Create live dashboard.

General notes

  • Setting up the GitHub Actions runner takes around 60 second as it involves downloading and installing Quarto, R, and all dependencies of the quarto and knitr packages. Building the dashboard takes another 10s or so. Because of this, it doesn't make much sense to rebuild the dashboard at a faster rate than every 2 minutes.
  • I am assuming that data will be pulled from the cabled receiver using the RTM2 mode, AKA "block polling". This saves battery as the receiver can turn off its serial port, and we can't really go too fast due to the limitations imposed by having a fresh server and needing to download/install all of the programs (see above). This means that the dashboard isn't really "live", just rebuilt at some functional-enough frequency.
  • Concurrency needs to be addressed. This is currently safe for one cabled receiver, but there can be issues if multiple receivers are sending data packets resulting in multiple repository read/writes. GHA currently only supports one queued job -- every other call will kill the operation in front of it.

Future Tasks

  • Describe remote (field) server set up
    • Needs: RS-485, cellular modem, libcurl or something like it
      • shell script?
  • Convert into GitHub App?


GitHub Actions (GHA)

Quarto Dashboards

Innovasea cabled instrument ASCII output

  • Rx-LIVE
    • Example poll, no detection logged:
      • *667057.0#31[0009],OK,#9A\r\n
        667057,000,2021-06-01 19:36:21.024,STS,DC=23,PC=190,LV=12.0,T=25.1,DU=0.0,RU=0.0,XYZ=-0.06:0.94:-0.22,N=67.0,NP=39.0, #A9\r\n
    • Example poll, detection logged:
      • *667057.0#31[0009],OK,#9A\r\n
        667057,005,2019-09-05 09:42:06.834,STS,DC=60,PC=624,LV=12.6,T=21.5,DU=0.0,RU=0.0,XYZ=-0.06:0.94:-0.22,N=67.0,NP=39.0, #66\r\n
        667057,006,2019-09-05 09:41:12.623,A69-1601,999,S=66.5,N=39.5,C=0, #7B\r\n
        667057,007,2019-09-05 09:41:39.901,A69-1601,998,123,S=66.5,N=39.5,C=0, #85\r\n >
  • VR2C
    • Example poll, no detection logged:
      • *450281.0#20[0009],OK,#9A\r\n
        450281,221,2024-10-07 15:58:49,STS,DC=1229,PC=88504,LV=0.0,BV=3.5,BU=20.7,I=2.3,T=21.7,DU=0.1,RU=4.1,XYZ=-0.06:-0.28:-0.81,#7F\r\n
    • Example poll, detection logged:
      • *450281.0#20[0009],OK,#9A\r\n
        450281,238,2024-10-07 20:13:49,STS,DC=1235,PC=88607,LV=0.0,BV=3.5,BU=20.8,I=2.4,T=22.8,DU=0.1,RU=4.1,XYZ=-0.06:-0.28:-0.81,#7F\r\n
        450281,239,2024-10-07 20:02:07,A69-9001,6277,#A8\r\n
        450281,240,2024-10-07 20:07:12,A69-9001,6278,123,#A1\r\n


Example repository to create a live acoustic telemetry dashboard using R, Quarto, and the GitHub Actions REST API




