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User Management

Create a User Account

Creating a new user account creates a user account configuration file with kubectl configuration files.

Setting up an Administrator Environment

Before creating user accounts, you need to complete the following steps:

  1. Install nclt using the description in the Nauta User Guide.

  2. Copy the nauta-admin.config file to the machine where nctl resides. Place this configuration file in the <location> on the machine where nctl is running.

  • An Administrator will need the nauta-admin.config file on their machine (the machine where nctl resides) and it needs to be set in the 'kube.config' file.
  1. Set up KUBECONFIG variable to point to the full path of 'nauta-admin.config' to where you copied the file in step 2. Follow the instructions below (Creating a User) to create users.

$ export KUBECONFIG=<PATH>/nauta-admin.config

Creating a User Account

The following is used to create a Nauta user, not an Administrator. Only the person that performed the original install can complete these steps. SSH access will be required by the installer. Administrators do not have access to complete these steps.

Administrator Tasks

  1. The Nauta user create command sets up a namespace and associated roles for the named user on the cluster. It sets up home directories, named after the username, on the input and output network shares with file-system level access privileges. To create a user:

    $ nctl user create <username>

  2. This command also creates a configuration file named: '.config' and places this file in the user's home directory. To verify that your new user has been created:

    $ nauta user list

  3. This lists all users, including the new user just added, but does not show Administrators. An example is shown below.

New Users Added

User Tasks

  1. As an Administrator, you need to provide '.config' file to the Nauta user. The user must save this file to an appropriate location of their choosing on the machine that is running Nauta; for example, their home directory using the following command:

    $ cp <username>.config ~/

  2. Use the export command to set this variable for the user:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=~/<username>.config


Users with the same name cannot be created directly after being removed. In addition, user names are limited to a 32 character maximum and there are no special characters except for hyphens. However, all names must start with a letter not a number. You can use a hyphen to join user names, for example: john-doe (see Troubleshooting for more details).

Delete a User Account

Only an Administrator can delete user accounts and deleting a user removes that user's account from the Nauta software; therefore, that user will not be able to log in to the system. This will halt and remove all experiments and pods; however, all artifacts related to that user's account, such as the users input and output folders and all data related to past experiments they have submitted remains.

To remove a user:

$ nctl user delete <user_name>

This command asks for confirmation.

Do you want to continue? [y/N]: press y to confirm deletion.

The command may take up to 30 seconds to delete the user and you may receive the message: User is still being deleted. Check the status of the user in a while. Recheck, as desired.


To permanently remove (purge) all artifacts associated with the user and all data related to past experiments submitted by that user:

$ nctl user delete <user_name> -p/--purge


The Nauta user delete command may take up to 30 seconds to delete the user. A new user with the same username cannot be created until after the delete command confirms that the first user with the same name has been deleted (see: Troubleshooting for more details).

Launching the Web UI

To review the Resources Dashboard, launch the Web UI from the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Do the following to launch the Web UI:

  1. Use the following command:

$ nctl launch webui

  1. Your default Web browser opens and displays the Web UI. For Administrators, the Web UI displays a list experiments and shows the following message:

No data for currently signed user. Click here to load all users data.

The image shows the Nauta Web UI. This UI contains experiment information that can be sorted by name, status, and various dates.

New Users Added

Troubleshooting Information