Saving a file causes the following error:
Creating file failed. An error occurred while creating a new file.
Unexpected error while saving file: input/home/filename [Errno 2]
No such file or directory: /mnt/input/home/filename
The error appears when a user tries to save file in /input/home
folder, which is a read-only folder. In Jupyter, select the /output/home
folder to correct this issue.
Closing the Jupyter notebook window in a Web browser causes experiments to stop executing. Attaching to the same Jupyter session still shows the stopped experiment. Currently, there is no workaround.
Note: This is a known issue in Jupyter (refer to: jupyter/notebook#1647 for more information).
After deleting a user name and verifying that the user name is not on the list of user names, it is not possible to create a new user with the same name within short period of time. This is due to a user's-related Kubernetes objects, which are deleted asynchronously by Kubernetes and due to these deletions can take time.
Note: To resolve, wait a few minutes before creating a user with the same name.
The Docker* installation on the client machine takes up significant space and contains a large amount of container images. In the Docker documentation it states:
Docker takes a conservative approach to cleaning up unused objects (often referred to as _garbage collection), such as images, containers, volumes, and networks: these objects are generally not removed unless you explicitly ask Docker to do so.
Note: Refer to the following information for detailed instructions on how to prune unused Docker images:
Launching a TensorBoard* instance and launching a Web UI does not work.
After running Nauta to launch the Web UI (nctl launch webui
) or the nctl launch tb <experiment_name> commands, a connection error message may be visible. During the usage of these commands, a proxy tunnel to the cluster is created.
As a result, a connection error can be caused by an incorrect user-config generated by Administrator or by incorrect proxy settings in a local machine. To prevent this, ensure that a valid user-config is used and check the proxy settings. In addition, ensure that the current proxy settings do not block any connection to a local machine.
An experiment fails just after submission, even if the script itself is correct.
If a Kubernetes* cluster does not have enough resources, the pods used in experiments are evicted. This results in failure of the whole experiment, even if there are no other reasons for this failure, such as those caused by users (such as, lack of access to data, errors in scripts and so on).
It is recommended, therefore that the Administrator investigate the failures to determine a course of action. For example, why have all the resources been consumed; then, try to free them.
Due to known errors in Docker Garbage Collector making automatic removal of Docker images is laborious and error-prone.
Before running the Docker Garbage Collector, the administrator should remove images that are no longer needed, using the following procedure:
Expose the internal Docker registry's API by exposing locally port 5000, exposed by
nauta-docker-registry service_ located
in the nauta namespace. This can be done, for example by issuing the following command on a machine that has access to Nauta:kubectl port-forward svc/nauta-docker-registry 5000 -n nauta
Get a list of images stored in the internal registry by issuing the following command (it is assumed that port 5000 is exposed locally): curl http://localhost:5000/v2/_catalog
- For more information on Docker Images, refer to:
From the list of images received in the previous step, choose those that should be removed. For each chosen image, execute the following steps:
a) Get the list of tags belonging to the chosen image by issuing the following command (it is assumed that port 5000 is exposed locally):
curl http://localhost:5000/v2/<image_name>/tags/list
b) For each tag, get a digest related to this tag:
curl --header "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" http://localhost:5000/v2/<image_name>/manifests/<tag>
Digest is returned in a header of a response under the Docker-Content-Digest key
c) Remove the image from the registry by issuing the following command:
curl -X "DELETE" --header "Accept: application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json" http://localhost:5000/v2/<image_name>/manifests/<digest>
Run Docker Garbage Collector by issuing the following command:
kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get --no-headers=true pods -l app=docker-registry -n dls4e -o -n dls4e registry garbage-collect /etc/docker/registry/config.yml
Restart system's Docker registry. It can be done by deleting the pod with label:
After running nctl launch webui
or nctl launch tb <experiment_name>
command connection error message may display. During this command, a proxy tunnel to the cluster is created. Connection errors can be caused by incorrect user config generated by an Administrator or incorrect proxy settings for local machine.
To prevent this, ensure that a valid user config is used and check proxy settings. In addition, ensure that current proxy settings do not block any connection to a local machine.
While viewing the logs and output from some commands, a user may see the following message:
Inspect the logs with: draft logs 01CVMD5D3B42E72CB5YQX1ANS5
However, when running the command, the result is that the command is not found (or the logs are not found if there is a separate draft installation). This is because draft is located in NCTL config directory config
and needs a --home
parameter. To view the draft logs, use the following command:
$ ~/config/draft --home ~/config/.draft logs 01CVMD5D3B42E72CB5YQX1ANS5
There may be cases where a node suddenly becomes unavailable, for example due to a power failure. Experiments using TFJob were running on such a node, will stay Running in Nauta and pods will terminate templates, which indefinitely. Furthermore, an experiment is not rescheduled automatically.
An example of such occurrence is visible using kubectl
user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl get nodes
worker0.node.infra.nauta NotReady Worker 7d v1.10.6
worker1.node.infra.nauta Ready Worker 7d v1.10.6
master.node.infra.nauta Ready Master 7d v1.10.6
user@ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pods
experiment-master-0 1/1 Terminating 0 45m
tensorboard-service-5f48964d54-tr7xf 2/2 Terminating 0 49m
tensorboard-service-5f48964d54-wsr6q 2/2 Running 0 43m
tiller-deploy-5c7f4fcb69-vz6gp 1/1 Running 0 49m
This is related to unresolved issues found in Kubernetes and design of TF-operator. For more information, see links below.
To solve this issue, manually resubmit the experiment using nauta.
If during execution of a multinode, Horovod-based experiment one of pods fails, then the whole experiment gets the FAILED status. Such behavior is caused by a construction of Horovod framework. This framework uses an Open MPI framework to handle multiple tasks instead of using Kubernetes features. Therefore, it cannot rely also on other Kubernetes features such as restarting pods in case of failures.
This results in training jobs using Horovod does not resurrect failed pods. The Nauta system also does not restart these training jobs. If a user encounters this, they should rerun the experiment manually. The construction of a multinode TFJob-based experiment is different, as it uses Kubernetes features. Thus, training jobs based on TFJobs restart failing pods so an experiment can be continued after their failure without a need to be restarted manually by a user .
Using standard Microsoft* Windows* terminals (cmd.exe
, power shell
) is enough to interact with platform, but there is a sporadic issue with the output. Some lines can be surrounded with incomprehensible characters, for example:
[K[?25hCannot connect to K8S cluster: Unable to connect to the server: d...
Note: The recommended shell environment for Windows operating system is bash. For bash-based terminals, this issue does not occur.
Due to a known issue in kubernetes client library it may happen, especially when there is a lot of experiments running at the same time, that
some single-node experiments may still be in RUNNING status even if scripts run within such experiments were finished with success. Our analysis indicates that this problem may affect roughly 1% of experiments.
Till resolution of the problem on library's side - please monitor the statuses of experiments and check, whether they are not running too long
relative to predicted duration. If there are such cases, please cancel an experiment without purging it - results are in such cases still available on shares.
If you would like to change DNS settings in the installation please do on the master node:
- stop consul service
systemctl stop consul
- change file with your favorite text editor i.e. vim
vim /etc/consul/dns.json
- in recursor provide proper DNS server i.e.
"recursors" : ["",""]
- start consul service:
systemctl start consul