Besides more technically driven details the breaking API-change in the BeanFactory interface is the main feature of this release.
Type Queries
BeanFactories now are generic types and introduce type-safe access to the underlying storage-solution's query types. This way queries don't need to be mere strings and with many APIs it is not possible to use the whole query functionality with string-representations of query expressions. This was needed to complete the work on the morphia integration.
Along with that integration the dynamic data model feature was also introduced when using morphia like it can be used with JDO. Using this feature, you can add model/persistent classes placed in the repository and thus be changeable and extendable on runtime.
Change in Google Guice integration
During the maintenance of release 1.1 we ran into trouble with the mycila JSR250 stuff which was used from the Googe Guice module integration. We provided the needed changes for mycile for 1.1 while adding a custom, limited JSR250 integration directly here.
This release only contains the latter module. Feedback is welcome, which solution fits better.
Library Update List
The update-list of the work during the passed months includes among others
- Spring 4.3
- Java 8
- DataNucleus 5.0
- JDO 3.2 pre-release
- Dinistiq 0.6
To unify library usage, commons-lang3 was removed from the list in favour of commons-lang, which is used by velocity.
The test coverage is now at a 90%-ish level.