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Releases: metno/snap


21 Feb 12:55
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.4.9...v2.5.0

Dry deposition

05 Sep 12:21
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This version of SNAP contains experimental implementations of dry deposition for examining the uncertainty in the parametrisation

Long range fallout

30 May 14:04
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SNAP is now able to better calculate the long-range fallout of nuclear bombs including decay-rate of fallout. SNAP uses now also all layers of the input-meteorology and the output can be set by defining the surface-layer height explicitly (defaut: lowest layer). It is also possible now to run the model with higher output-resolution that the meteorological driver using the config option: . The model comes now also with a tool to identify the mass-balance within the model, i.e. radioactivity leaving the domain vs deposition etc.

This version is also the first version which requires python >= 3.9 (before: >= 3.6) for all job-control and GUI and visualisation-scripts.


14 Aug 11:42
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Full Changelog: v2.1.1...v2.1.2

ERA5, polar-stereographic, long time-series

10 Jun 14:07
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This version of SNAP was developed for running a 15-year database of netcdf input data originally retrieved from the ECMWF ERA5 database. The data was converted to polar-stereographic grid to cover the north-pole. In particular one bug from an int16 overflow during long time-series was fixed for this release.

Grid interpolation and spinup-time

02 Feb 10:28
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This release focused on better usage of the driving meteorological input data. By using the grid-interpolation routines of the fimex library, SNAP can now be run in a horizontal grid different from the meteorological driver. The grid-projections which are automatically recognized include now also polar stereographic as well as rotated latitude-longitude grids. In addition is it now possible to specify the spinup time for the preferred best meteorological dataset.

Smaller changes in this release include addition of particle split to improve statistics of long-distance model runs. A timer was added to the log-files to better compare run times. Some memory leaks have been found and removed and the legacy and no longer maintained milib integration has been removed.

Fortran90 and Fimex integration completed, testing framework

06 May 13:26
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This release marks the completion of the Fortran90 rewrite and the full integration of Fimex as I/O library for meteorological data allowing much easier integration of new meteorological data-sources. With a new testing-framework, future release will be more stable.

With this relese, SNAP was also tested to work with the DWD/Icon NWP data as meteorological driver.

Meteorology in grib or ncml

07 Apr 08:46
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Release v1.5.0 enables users to read grib-files or ncml-files in SNAP directly using the fimex IO-library.

Open Source version of SNAP

19 Jan 07:59
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SNAP has been open-sourced in November. This release mainly marks the open-sourcing and bumps the version number to v1.4.0.