Next Generation PHP Markdown Website - Flatifle CMS - Static Site Generator Alternative run on PHP
Do you want to develop and build a website by adopting the concept of a static site generator,working with markdown , yaml like jekyll / 11ty eleventy, and running on your PHP hosting??
MarkDownuts is the right solution for you.
This project is inspired by Jekyll, Eleventy 11ty which focuses on speed, simplicity, stability, and security. and ease of working with markdown and yaml files.
Let's start using markdownuts now to build a modern PHP website easily and quickly.
Documentation :
- PHP never die !!
- Very easy to use
- No Database
- No Need Build Production
- Easy Installation , Just download and upload in to your PHP host , and your site is live
- Can install via Composer
- Markdown Content .md Files
- YAML Fonrtmatter .yml files
- Auto SEO Injection Script
- Meta Tag
- Twitter Card
- Open Graph
- Focus for Speed and Peformance
- Run on PHP
- Dynamic Blog Page
- Blog List
- Blog Pagination
- Post Pagination
- Tags List
- Tags Page
- Static Page
- Sitemap Generator
- Auto Sitemap (New)
- Auto Clear Cache (New)
- Backend CMS (New) Download Backend CMS Plugin
- And More...
Test drive demo : Run Demo
A Project by Creativitas
Starter themes for help you develop your modern website quickly !!
Test Drive Brutalisme Peformance and Speed
Mobile Target
Desktop Target
Let's built and develop your modern PHP website with MarkDownuts
Open terminal on your cloud host.
Installation markdownuts default via composer
composer create-project creativitas/markdownuts
Installation markdownuts with your project name via composer
composer create-project creativitas/markdownuts project-name
change project-name
with your project name, example markdownuts
Other solutions you can use terminal , open terminal and run
git clone
Next step you can access your source code file, cd yourproject
Now we need to run installation composer install
Congratulations your site is live now !!
Download markDownuts complete source code file, and upload in to your host , next you can run your website, that's it !!
Download Full Source Code Main
After installing and running your project, you will see the starter project is a skeleton version without CSS styling. First of course you need to set up your site, add your site URL, you can change the site name, description, social media and more into config.yml
After entering your site URL, via config.yml then Brutalism Starter is active as your theme.
- Live online host you can add site url like this
url: ""
- Wampp / Lampp / Xampp you can add site url like this
url: "http://localhost/markdownuts"
- PHP built in sever you can add make empty site url like this
url: ""
If you work on local you need to setup you.htaccess
, for example you want run on htcods/markdownuts
, you can set look like this
RewriteBase /markdownuts/
To setup your Site for SEO , sitename, Twitter card and Open Graph ,nabar,and copyrights on footer you can update your site name , twitter user, facebook user and others on config.yml
Open terminal anda access your project, cd/myproject
next you can run
php -S localhost:8080 router.php
If you want to create new blog post, you can access on posts
folder, and create new markdown files.
If you want to create new static page, you can access on pages
folder, and create new markdown files.
To generate an automatic sitemap.xml, just access
change with your domain name.Next you check your root project folder to see the sitemap.xml
has been created.
You can generate sitemap manually for your blog , open terminal and run php generate_sitemap.php
You can read how work with MarkDownuts project on our documentation site -
Markdownuts currently embraces the approach of Jekyll and 11ty, seamlessly working with Markdown (.md) files and YAML configurations. This foundation provides a robust and flexible system for content management.
Looking ahead, we're excited to announce our next big step: the development of a powerful backend CMS tailored to enhance your workflow and boost productivity. This feature will offer you an intuitive interface, making content creation and management a breeze.
Download Backend CMS Plugin Now
Download and upload backend CMS plugin into your markDownuts root folder project, next you can access om
For default email and password you can read here -
Test drive demo : Run Demo