A small design and develop agency for Solopreneur businesses and Freelances. Bootcamp grads need experience an small start-ups need to get things done.
- NodeJS 21.7.3
- NPM 10.8.0
- NextJS 14.2.3
- TypeScript 5.0.2
Clone repo:
git clone git@github.com:melissakipp/thelaunchmarket.git
Install Dependencies
npm install
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
rm -rf .next node_modules
rm package-lock.json
Next run the NPM command:
npm install
DO NOT RUN THE DEV SERVER - Run for the first time
docker compose up --build
After this you will use the following commands to manage the development environment:
To start the container
docker compose up
OR using -d flag will run the container in the background (no output)
docker compose up -d
- Docker for development and deployment
- Create a Docker Deploy/Production container