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WebRTC Monitoring Backend

Webrtc monitor backend developed developed top of nodejs and docker Bootstrapped from meetrix/node-typescript-auth-backend.

Project can be run on following OS

  1. Ubuntu
  2. MacOS
  3. Windows


The following pre-requisites should be setup through your terminal on your development machine. Please refer to tool installation guides by the developers to set these up.

  1. Git
  2. Docker

Getting started

  1. Set VSCode's Typescript import module specifier for the workspace to relative for more information have a look here

  2. Run these commands

    # Copy the .env.example contents into the .env
    cat .env.example > .env
    # Start services
    npm run services-up
    # Create admin user (For the first time). Refer setup commands in package.json for more information. (Make sure to change MONGO_HOST=localhost MONGO_PORT=27025 in env before run below commands. you have to revert those envs to default after ran these commands)
    npm run setup-create-admin
    npm run setup-generate-admin-token
    # Check whether the api is running

Using OpenAPI Spec

  1. Go to [http://localhost:9100/v1/spec]
  2. Click Authorize and add a token Bearer <YOUR_TOKEN>
  3. Execute any API

Using cli commands

  1. Make sure you are running all the containers with docker-compose up
  2. Make sure you have install ts-node globally with npm install -g ts-node
  3. cd cli-tools
  4. cat .env.example > .env this will copy .env file that allows local node processes to connect to docker mongo
  5. Make sure to change MONGO_HOST=localhost MONGO_PORT=27025 in env before run below commands. you have to revert those envs to default after ran these commands
  6. Help: ts-node cli-tools/user-create.ts --help
  7. Create user : ts-node cli-tools/user-create.ts -e -p dev12345 -r admin
  8. Get token: ts-node cli-tools/user-get-token.ts -e -v 48h
  9. Register plugin ts-node cli-tools/plugin-create -e -d
  10. Generate token for plugin ts-node cli-tools/plugin-get-token.ts -d ''

Socket Connection

  1. npm run setup-generate-plugin-token
  2. Use this token in auth.token in connection options
    url: 'http://localhost:9100',
    options: {
      path: '/stats/',
      auth: {
        token: 'xxxx'

Show MongoDB collections

Go to http://mongo.localhost:8087/

Running tests

To run the tests simply use npm test. If you want to use jest watch mode use npm run watch-test.


backend for the web-rtc monitor







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