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Benchmark was refactored to not overflow memory
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Now threads generating load are pause generation if actor's queue
size growth above given threshold.

Now benchmark uses trivial-benchmark library which formats
results in a unified way on different lisp implementations.
However the most wide variety of metrics are supported for SBCL only.

The pro of using trivial-benchmark here is that it automates
repeated tests. Now you can set a number of runs for the benchmark
and a duration of the each run. And trivial-benchmark will automatically
calculate average, median and deviation of each metric across all runs.

For Sento benchmark I've added a special metric - a message per second.
During my tests satisfactory results were obtained when test duration was set to
10 seconds and a number of runs to 60.

On my Macbook M1 with 16G of memory benchmark results are:

                        :NUM-SHARED-WORKERS 8 :QUEUE-SIZE NIL
                        :WAIT-IF-QUEUE-LARGE-THAN 10000)
│ -                   │ TOTAL         │ MINIMUM     │ MAXIMUM     │ MEDIAN      │ AVERAGE     │ DEVIATION   │
│ MESSAGES-PER-SECOND │    59763090.0 │    657702.9 │   1103853.4 │   1014389.2 │   996051.44 │    76637.07 │
│ USER-RUN-TIME       │      707.3372 │    7.839694 │   12.719797 │   11.985142 │   11.788954 │    0.839375 │
│ SYSTEM-RUN-TIME     │     232.37593 │    2.988574 │    4.180502 │    3.896854 │    3.872932 │    0.177386 │
│ REAL-TIME           │      635.9478 │      10.508 │      10.637 │      10.608 │   10.599131 │    0.029722 │
│ GC-RUN-TIME         │         3.924 │        0.05 │       0.075 │       0.067 │      0.0654 │    0.005194 │
│ GC-REAL-TIME        │         4.052 │        0.05 │       0.128 │       0.067 │    0.067533 │    0.009718 │
│ PROCESSOR-CYCLES    │           0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │
│ EVAL-CALLS          │       26520.0 │       442.0 │       442.0 │       442.0 │       442.0 │         0.0 │
│ LAMBDAS-CONVERTED   │           0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │
│ PAGE-FAULTS         │           0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │         0.0 │
│ BYTES-CONSED        │ 121484440000. │ 1338653400. │ 2245857000. │ 2063355600. │ 2024740700. │ 155061730.0 │
  • Loading branch information
svetlyak40wt committed Jan 24, 2025
1 parent c721de6 commit 1973723
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Showing 4 changed files with 260 additions and 90 deletions.
322 changes: 233 additions & 89 deletions bench.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,92 +1,203 @@
;;(push #P"~/Development/MySources/sento/" asdf:*central-registry*)
(asdf:load-system "sento")

(log:config :warn)

(defparameter *starttime* 0)
(defparameter *endtime* 0)

(defparameter *withreply-p* nil)

(defparameter *system* nil)
(defparameter *actor* nil)
(defparameter *counter* 0)
(defparameter +threads+ 8)
(defparameter *per-thread* nil)

(defun max-loop () (* *per-thread* +threads+))

(defun runner-bt (&optional (withreply-p nil) (asyncask nil) (queue-size 0))
(declare (ignore queue-size))
;; dispatchers used for the async-ask
(setf *per-thread* 125000)
(setf *system* (asys:make-actor-system '(:dispatchers (:shared (:workers 8)))))
(setf *actor* (ac:actor-of *system*
:receive (lambda (msg)
(declare (ignore msg))
(incf *counter*))
:dispatcher :pinned))
(setf *withreply-p* withreply-p)
(setf *counter* 0)
(setf *starttime* (get-universal-time))
(format t "Times: ~a~%" (max-loop))
(map nil #'bt2:join-thread
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(dotimes (n *per-thread*)
(if withreply-p
(if asyncask
(act:ask *actor* :foo)
(act:ask-s *actor* :foo))
(act:tell *actor* :foo))))
:name x))
(mapcar (lambda (n) (format nil "thread-~a" n))
(loop :for n :from 1 :to +threads+ :collect n))))
(miscutils:assert-cond (lambda () (= *counter* (max-loop))) 20)))
(setf *endtime* (get-universal-time))
(format t "Counter: ~a~%" *counter*)
(format t "Elapsed: ~a~%" (- *endtime* *starttime*))
(print *system*)
(ac:shutdown *system*))

(defun runner-dp (&optional (withreply-p nil) (asyncask nil) (queue-size 0))
(declare (ignore queue-size))
(setf *per-thread* 125000)
(setf *system* (asys:make-actor-system '(:dispatchers (:shared (:workers 8)))))
(setf *actor* (ac:actor-of *system*
:receive (lambda (msg)
(declare (ignore msg))
(incf *counter*))
:dispatcher :shared))
;;(print *actor*)
(setf *withreply-p* withreply-p)
(setf *counter* 0)
(setf *starttime* (get-universal-time))
(format t "Times: ~a~%" (max-loop))
(map nil #'bt2:join-thread
(mapcar (lambda (x)
(lambda ()
(dotimes (n *per-thread*)
(if withreply-p
(if asyncask
(act:ask *actor* :foo)
(act:ask-s *actor* :foo))
(act:tell *actor* :foo))))
:name x))
(mapcar (lambda (n) (format nil "thread-~a" n))
(loop for n from 1 to +threads+ collect n))))
(miscutils:assert-cond (lambda () (= *counter* (max-loop))) 120)))
(setf *endtime* (get-universal-time))
(format t "Counter: ~a~%" *counter*)
(format t "Elapsed: ~a~%" (- *endtime* *starttime*))
;;(print *system*)
(ac:shutdown *system*))
(uiop:define-package #:sento/bench
(:use #:cl)
(:import-from #:org.shirakumo.trivial-benchmark
(:import-from #:serapeum
(:import-from #:alexandria
(:import-from #:sento.queue
(in-package #:sento/bench)

(defun actor-queue-size (a)
(let* ((msgbox ( a))
(queue (slot-value msgbox
(sento.queue:queued-count queue)))

(defun total-queues-size (system)
(+ (loop for actor in ( system :user)
summing (actor-queue-size actor))
(loop for actor in ( system :internal)
summing (actor-queue-size actor))))

(defvar-unbound *num-processed-messages*
"We will bind this varible during a benchmark.")

(define-sampler messages-per-second (test-duration processed-messages-count)
(:measure (form)
(with-gensyms (test-started-at)
`(let ((*num-processed-messages* 0)
(,test-started-at (get-internal-real-time)))

;; Benchmark code will be called here:

(setf ,test-duration
(- (get-internal-real-time)
(setf ,processed-messages-count
(:commit (commit-fn)
`(,commit-fn messages-per-second
(/ (float ,processed-messages-count 0d0)
(/ ,test-duration

(defparameter *samplers*
(list* 'messages-per-second

;; Use only our message counter.
;; *default-samplers* includes different system
;; metrics similar to metrics TIME macro collects.
;; (eval-always
;; (defparameter *samplers*
;; (list 'messages-per-second)))

(defun run-benchmark (&key
(dispatcher :pinned)
(with-reply-p nil)
(async-ask-p nil)
(num-shared-workers 8)
;; When queue-size is given, then Actor will be created
;; with bound-queue. Otherwise, queue will be unbound.
;; To prevent unbound-queue grow, set wait-if-queue-large-than
;; argument to some value.
(queue-size nil queue-size-given-p)
;; When actor's goes abover this value,
;; generator threads will stop and wait while
;; actor will process some messages from the queue.
;; Can be turned off if set to NIL, but this could
;; lead to a high memory consumption and probably
;; program failure.

;; This setting applies some kind of backpressure,
;; when queue-size is 0 and no other way
;; to keep generators from filling all the memory
;; with messages.
(wait-if-queue-large-than 10000 wait-if-queue-large-than-given-p)
(duration 10)
(num-iterations 60)
(load-threads 8))

(log:config :warn)

(check-type dispatcher (member :shared :pinned))

;; Leave only one default
(when (and queue-size-given-p
(not wait-if-queue-large-than-given-p))
(setf wait-if-queue-large-than nil))

(when (and (not queue-size-given-p)
(setf queue-size nil))

(when (and queue-size
(not (zerop queue-size))
(error "Argument WAIT-IF-QUEUE-LARGE-THAN does not makes sense when QUEUE-SIZE is not zero."))

(when (and async-ask-p
(not with-reply-p))
(error "Argument ASYNC-ASK-P should be given together with WITH-REPLY-P argument."))

;; It is useful to save benchmark results along with all params
;; used to run the benchmark.
(format t "~2&Results for benchmark: ~S~%"
(list :dispatcher dispatcher
:with-reply-p with-reply-p
:async-ask-p async-ask-p
:num-shared-workers num-shared-workers
:queue-size queue-size
:wait-if-queue-large-than wait-if-queue-large-than))

(with-timing (num-iterations
:samplers *samplers*)
(let ((counter 0)
(stop-at (+ (get-internal-real-time)
(* duration internal-time-units-per-second))))
(flet ((receiver (msg)
(declare (ignore msg))
(incf counter)))
(let* ((system (asys:make-actor-system `(:dispatchers (:shared (:workers ,num-shared-workers)))))
(actor (ac:actor-of system
:receive #'receiver
:dispatcher dispatcher
:queue-size queue-size)))
(flet ((sender ()
(loop with check-every = 1000
for iteration upfrom 0
while (< (get-internal-real-time)
do (cond
((and wait-if-queue-large-than
;; Calling queue-size function
;; requires lock acquisition which hits performance
;; and makes message generation up to 10 times slower
;; depending on generator threads cound.
;; That is why each thread checks this count only
;; at some iterations:
(mod iteration
(< wait-if-queue-large-than
(actor-queue-size actor)))
(sleep (random 0.1)))
(if with-reply-p
(if async-ask-p
(act:ask actor :foo)
(act:ask-s actor :foo))
(act:tell actor :foo)
(queue-full-error ()
;; For this test it is ok to just sleep a little
;; before the next attempt to send message
(sleep (random 0.1))))))))))

(let ((threads
(loop for thread-id from 1 upto load-threads
for thread-name = (format nil "thread-~a" thread-id)
collect (bt2:make-thread #'sender
:name thread-name))))

(unwind-protect (mapc #'bt2:join-thread threads)
;; If user will interrupt execution while we are waiting for threads,
;; we need to clean rest threads:
(loop for thread in threads
when (bt2:thread-alive-p thread)
do (bt2:destroy-thread thread))))

;; Wait while receiver will process all messages in the queue
(lambda ()
(zerop (total-queues-size system)))

(trivial-garbage:gc :full t)

;; To make trivial-benchmark collector see our counter.
(setf *num-processed-messages*
(ac:shutdown system))))))))

;; (defun runner-lp ()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,3 +252,36 @@
;; (format t "Counter: ~a~%" *counter*)
;; (lparallel:end-kernel)
;; (sento.messageb::stop *msgbox*)))

(defun run-all (&key
(num-iterations 10)
(duration 10))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration)

(format t "Running ~A:~%" '(run-benchmark :with-reply-p t :async-ask-p nil))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration
:with-reply-p t :async-ask-p nil)

(format t "Running ~A:~%" '(run-benchmark :with-reply-p t :async-ask-p t))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration
:with-reply-p t :async-ask-p t)

(format t "Running ~A:~%" '(run-benchmark :queue-size 100))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration
:queue-size 100)

(format t "Running ~A:~%" '(run-benchmark :with-reply-p t :async-ask-p nil :queue-size 100))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration
:with-reply-p t :async-ask-p nil :queue-size 100)

(format t "Running ~A:~%" '(run-benchmark :with-reply-p t :async-ask-p t :queue-size 100))
(run-benchmark :num-iterations num-iterations
:duration duration
:with-reply-p t :async-ask-p t :queue-size 100))

13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions sento.asd
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -111,6 +111,19 @@
:components ((:file "documentation")))

;; --------------------------------
;; benchmark
;; --------------------------------

(defsystem "sento/bench"
:author "Manfred Bergmann"
:description "Benchmark for Sento"
:depends-on ("sento"
:components ((:file "bench")))

;; load system
;; (asdf:load-system "sento")
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/actor-context.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,8 @@ The `actor-system` and the `actor` itself are composed of an `actor-context`."))

(defun %message-box-for-dispatcher-id (context dispatcher-id queue-size)
(case dispatcher-id
(:pinned (make-instance 'mesgb:message-box/bt))
(:pinned (make-instance 'mesgb:message-box/bt
:max-queue-size queue-size))
(otherwise (let ((dispatcher (%get-shared-dispatcher (system context) dispatcher-id)))
(unless dispatcher
(error (format nil "No such dispatcher identifier '~a' exists!" dispatcher-id)))
Expand Down
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions src/queue/queue-locked.lisp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ than the 'queue' implementation of lparallel.
(not (or (queue-head queue)
(queue-tail queue))))

(defun size (queue)
(let ((head (queue-head queue))
(tail (queue-tail queue)))
(+ (length head)
(length tail))))

queue implementation from lparallel.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,3 +110,9 @@ Copyright (c) 2011-2012, James M. Lawrence. All rights reserved.
(defmethod emptyq-p ((self queue-unbounded))
(with-slots (queue) self
(emptyp queue)))

(defmethod queued-count ((self queue-unbounded))
(with-slots (queue lock) self
(bt2:with-lock-held (lock)
(size queue))))

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