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Cloning for administration
We want to make a local copy or clone of the entire repository on [https://github.com/ github] In the [https://github.com/cfljam/VISG-course-2012 VISG-course-2012] repository, there are three links you can press 'HTTP', 'HTTPS', and 'GIT-Read-Only'. The first two provide read-writable urls for git to clone a repository on your client machine.
We are using the shell variable here '''$HOME''' (which is the same as '~' ), which points to the location of the '''visg_user''' home directory to create a variable called '''$dir''' which points to the destination location of the repository.
Now to clone a repository type the following commands in your client side shell terminal;
## Defining a variable for repository location dir=$HOME/VISG-course-2012 ## filesystem location echo $dir ## Clone the repository explicitly to $dir git clone git@github.com:cfljam/VISG-course-2012.git $dir ## gzip up data (could just copy/move...) cd ~/Desktop/VISG\ Files/VISG_LDS tar -zcvf VISG_LDS.tgz 00.raw/ 05.reference/ ## Overlay data explicitly to $dir tar -zxvf ~/Desktop/VISG\ Files/VISG_LDS/VISG_LDS.tgz -C $dir cd $dir
Note: We have explicitly defined the source and destination directories here