This project demonstrates a basic Hardhat use case. It comes with a sample contract, a script that deploys that contract.
- Hardhat: compile, run and test smart contracts
- Ethers: renowned Ethereum library and wallet implementation
- hardhat-ledger: Hardhat plugin for integration with a Ledger hardware wallet.
Before being able to run any command, you need to create a .env file and set a Private Key as an environment variable. You can follow the example in .env.example.
Then, proceed with installing dependencies:
$ npm install
To compile your contracts in your Hardhat project, use the built-in compile
$ npx hardhat compile
Compiled 1 contract successfully
Writing automated tests when building smart contracts is of crucial importance.
In our tests, we utilize ethers.js to interact with the Ethereum contract we built, and we'll use Mocha as our test runner.
To run the tests, you'll use the following command:
$ npx hardhat test
You can deploy your contract using the deployment scripts in the scripts
You can target any network from your Hardhat config using:
$ npx hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deploy.ts
You can target any network from your Hardhat config using:
$ npx hardhat run --network <your-network> scripts/deployLedger.ts
BIP 44 which define the general pattern of address derivations but also describe a fondamental concept of Account.
Essentially what the spec is saying is that all address should be derived at
purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
will be 44 for legacy, 49 for segwit and 84 for native segwit.coin_type
is a number unique per crypto currency and specified in SLIP 44. Ethereum is 60.account
is the index of the accountchange
are ways to generate new addresses inside the account. This follow a strict rule described in the spec (with the importance of the Gap limit)
So a typical derivation is:
coin | account | chain | address | path |
Ethereum | first | external | first | m/44'/60'/0'/0/0 |
Ethereum | second | external | first | m/44'/60'/1'/0/0 |
Ethereum | third | external | first | m/44'/60'/2'/0/0 |
Ethereum | fourth | external | first | m/44'/60'/3'/0/0 |
For more information, see derivation – BIP44 and exceptions.
Ensuring the safety and security of your smart contracts is vital. This is where audit and Solidity analyzers come into play.
Slither is a Solidity static analysis framework written in Python 3. It helps to identify vulnerabilities in your smart contract code, provides visual information about the details of your contracts, and allows for the creation of custom analyses. Features of Slither include:
- Detection of vulnerable Solidity code with a low false-positive rate.
- Identification of the location of the error condition in the source code.
- Easy integration into continuous integration and Hardhat/Foundry builds.
- Built-in 'printers' to quickly report crucial contract information.
- Detector API to write custom analyses in Python.
- Ability to analyze contracts written with Solidity >= 0.4.
- Intermediate representation (SlithIR) for simple, high-precision analyses.
- Correct parsing of 99.9% of all public Solidity code.
- Average execution time of less than 1 second per contract.
- Integration with Github's code scanning in continuous integration.