- this repository contains examples for testing method of golang.
- document at Qiita (japanese)
- table test
- setup/teardown
- unit test with mocking
- switch "unit test" and "integrate test" with build tag
- integrate test with docker on circle.CI
- golang
- docker / docker-compose
go get github.com/matsu0228/gotest
# build mysql on your environment
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/matsu0228/gotest/infla
docker-compose up -d
# create dabatase/table
go run init/main.go
- exercise of some tests
# table test & setup
go test -v github.com/matsu0228/gotest/tips
# unit test with mock
go test -v github.com/matsu0228/gotest/integrate
# switch "unit testing" and "integrate testing" with build tag
go test -v github.com/matsu0228/gotest/integrate/repository
go test -v -tags=integration github.com/matsu0228/gotest/integrate/repository
# atutomation with circle.CI with mysql
# --> see .circle.ci/config.yml