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Tutorial: GROMOS polymer melts
Polyply facilitates the generation of polymer melts. This tutorial illustrates how to setup an atomistic melt for different homo-polymers and a statistical copolymer and how to deal with tacticity. In this tutorial we will consider poly(methyl acrylate) (PMA) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) using the GROMOS 2016H66 force-field[1]. Please be aware that this tutorial is brand new. If you find any mistakes, unclear sections or erroneous behaviour please report it as an issue. Only with your feedback we are able to improve the tutorials and make them more helpful for everyone.
Both PMMA and PMA contain a chiral center in the monomeric repeat unit, which gives rise to tacticity in those polymers. Tacticity essentially describes the relative chirality of neighboring monomeric repeat units. In atactic polymers, the distribution is completely random, whereas in isotactic polymers all monomeric repeat units have the same chirality. In polyply the chirality has to be set as a node attribute in the residue graph. Internally the labels R and S are used for vinyl polymers. However, it should be noted that these are not necessarily corresponding to the IUPAC definitions of R and S. They are rather used as relative labels (i.e. two monomeric repeat units of S have the same chirality while R and S have opposite chirality). Thus a polymer of pure S or pure R would be considered isotactic, whereas a statistical distribution would be atactic. To generate the sequence for any linear polymer and add a label such as chirality to it, we use the polyply gen_seq tool as follows:
polyply gen_seq -from_string <name:#monomers:1:resname-1.0> -o polymer.json -name polymer -seq name -label 0:chiral:R-0.5,S-0.5
In this command the -from_string
flag tells the program we want to generate a polymer from string. The string consists of the name followed by ':' then the number of monomers, and the degree of branching which is 1 for a linear polymer. Note that you can provide several blocks by copying the statement between the '<>'. Furthermore, the '<>' is not part of the syntax, the simply indicate that this is one input string. The last field of the string contains the residue names and probabilities for that residue in the polymer. For generating atactic PMMA and PMA of 100 repeat units the commands are:
polyply gen_seq -from_string A:100:1:PMA-1.0 -o PMA.json -name PMA -seq A -label 0:chiral:R-0.5,S-0.5
polyply gen_seq -from_string A:100:1:PMMA-1.0 -o PMMA.json -name PMMA -seq A -label 0:chiral:R-0.5,S-0.5
The .json files contain the graph information for atactic PMA and PMMA with labels indicating the chirality for each residue. Note running the command multiple times will generate different chirality distribution each time. For a single residue we just used 'resname-1.0', but for having more than one residue the syntax is 'resnameA-probA,resnameB-probB'. So to generate the sequence for a statistical copolymer, we simply have to adjust the string describing our A block and run the following command:
polyply gen_seq -from_string A:100:1:PMA-0.5,PMMA-0.5 -o PMMA_co_PMA.json -name PMMA_co_PMA -seq A -label 0:chiral:R-0.5,S-0.5
Next we need to generate an itp file for the polymers that we want to study. Polyply is shipped with a range of polymer input files collected in libraries, which can be used to generate itp files for polymers. Note that you can also implement your own polymer definition. To do so check out the tutorial on generating your own polymer library. If you have any trouble always feel free to raise an issue. To inspect which libraries are available within polyply run:
polyply -list-lib
You should see that a library for 2016H66 polymers is implemented. Next we want to invoke the gen_params
sub-program to generate an itp file. For a single polymer the command has the following basic structure:
polyply gen_params -lib <library_name> -o <filename>.itp -name <name of polymer> -seqf <graph-file>.json
You see that we can specify a library with the '-lib' flag, and set the name of the itp-file with '-o'. The molecule name that appears in the '[moleculetype]' directive is given by '-name'. Finally, we can provide the sequence of the polymer. To do that we use '-seqf' to provide a .json input file that defines the sequence and can be generated as shown before. Run polyply gen_params -h
for more options. To generate the itp files for PMA, PMMA, and the copolymer we simply run the following commands:
polyply gen_params -lib 2016H66 -o PMA.itp -name PMA -seqf PMA.json
polyply gen_params -lib 2016H66 -o PMMA.itp -name PMMA -seqf PMMA.json
polyply gen_params -lib 2016H66 -o PMA_co_PMMA.itp -name PMA_co_PMMA -seqf PMMA_co_PMA.json
This generates all required itp files. If you open one of the itp file of PMMA and look for '#ifdef eq_polyply' you will see that within the itp there are some improper dihedral angles defined in the itp file using the GROMACS '#ifdef' syntax. Those dihedral angles are essential in producing the proper chirality during the structure generation. On the other hand if you open the PMA itp file you will find that these dihedral angles are part of the force-field, because in the case of PMA the chiral hydrogen is not modeled explicitly within GROMOS. Later we will check that the chirality of all polymers is as expected.
To generate starting coordinates all you need is the target topology file. First we need the interaction parameters. Those you can download here. Next write the topology file. Here we generate a melt of 200 polymers of all three species. In this case the topology file looks as follows:
#include "2016H66.ff/forcefield.itp"
#include "PMA.itp"
#include "PMMA.itp"
#include "PMA_co_PMMA.itp"
[ system ]
; name
Melt of PMA, PMMA, PMMA-co-PMA
[ molecules ]
; name number
PMA 20
PMA_co_PMMA 10
To create starting coordinates we call the gen_coords
sub-program with the general command looking as follows:
polyply gen_coords -p <topfilename> -o <filename>.gro -name <name> -dens <density>
In order to generate coordinates you have two options for setting the system size: (1) you set the box size (i.e. -box <x> <y> <z>
); keep in mind only rectangular boxes are currently supported; (2) you provide the overall system density using -dens
. Most of the time it is convenient to provide the target system density. Note that sometimes it is convenient to set the target density a little lower than what is expected in the simulation to gain a speed up in the structure generation. Subsequently, however, the system needs longer to relax. To further speed-up the installation you can install the numba package. For our example, we will generate the melt at a target density of 1100 kg/cm3, which is the density of PMMA at 413K. The overall command for our polymer melt becomes:
polyply gen_coords -p system.top -o melt.gro -name melt -dens 1100
This should take at most up to a minuet on a single CPU provided you installed numba. Once you have generated your melt you will need to first run an energy minimization. However, make sure to set the '-Deq_polyply' flag when running an energy minimization and during short equilibriation. This will ensure that the chirality of PMMA is set correctly as explained before. After energy minimization we recommend to run a few nanoseconds with flexible bonds using a 10fs time-step in order for the system to relax further before using constraints to possibly increase the time-step to 20fs.
- the '<>' are indications of a general syntax placeholder; don't actually use them in the command
- in order to accommodate polymer conformations that are realistic the system has to be large enough; a good way to check this is by calculating the end-to-end distance expected for all/some polymers on the back of an envelope using the formula $ EE = n * l * Cinf $
- the GROMOS family of force-fields uses the reaction-field cut-off method; in order to simulate the polymer melts adequately the dielectric constant has to be set to a reasonable value for the bulk medium. PMMA has a dielectric constant of around 5 which we use in this example; SPC water on the other hand uses a dielectric constant of 60 and PS would be more adequately run with
- always run a short NVT relaxation simulation before the NpT relaxation and production run
[1] Horta, B.A., Merz, P.T., Fuchs, P.F., Dolenc, J., Riniker, S. and Hünenberger, P.H., 2016. A GROMOS-compatible force field for small organic molecules in the condensed phase: The 2016H66 parameter set. Journal of chemical theory and computation, 12(8), pp.3825-3850.