This is a flutter Plugin for PolygonID Mobile SDK ( This plugin provides a cross-platform tool (iOS, Android) to communicate with the PolygonID platform.
To use this plugin, add polygonid_flutter_sdk
as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
file like this
polygonid_flutter_sdk: ^x.y.z
This will get you the latest version.
If you want to test a specific branch of the repository, pull polygonid_flutter_sdk
like this
url: ssh://
ref: branchPathName
NETWORK_NAME - Blockchain name.
NETWORK_ENV - Network name.
INFURA_URL - Infura base url.
INFURA_RDP_URL - Infura base rdp url.
INFURA_API_KEY - Infura api key.
ID_STATE_CONTRACT_ADDR - Identity state smart contract address.
PUSH_URL - Polygon push gateway server base url.
- Clone this repository.
- Generate
files in the root folder of the project. - Add required env variables (example):
NETWORK_NAME="polygon" NETWORK_ENV="mumbai" INFURA_URL="" INFURA_RDP_URL="wss://" INFURA_API_KEY="secret" ID_STATE_CONTRACT_ADDR="sc_address" PUSH_URL="push_url"
- run
to generate.g.dart
flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Please file feature requests and bugs at the issue tracker.
To start using this package first import it in your Dart file.
import 'package:polygonid_flutter_sdk/sdk/polygon_id_sdk.dart';
P.S. Using iOS simulator for testing wallet sdk is right now under maintenance and will be available soon.