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"Build status" codecov "Latest version" "Supported Python versions"

This is a commandline tool to download programs and series from NRK (Norwegian public broadcaster). It supports both TV, Radio and Podcast content. The tool is written in Python, and is compatible with Python 3.10 or newer. It has been tested under Linux, Mac OS X and Windows.


The documentation for nrkdownload is availabe here:

Setting up a development environment

Install uv. To set up the development environment:

uv sync --group docs
pre-commit install

Making a new release

  • Make sure all tests are ok by running nox
  • Make sure all pre-commit hooks are ok by running pre-commit run --all-files
  • Make a pull requst on GitHub
  • Merge the PR to the main branch
  • Create a new tag nameed vX.Y.Z where X.Y.Z is the new version number
  • The new version of the package will be published to PyPi automatically
  • Optionally create a new release on GitHub, based on the new tag