These R scripts underpin much of the research we've done into distribution modelling for deep-sea species, working with physical oceangraphic and geological data. The tools are largely maintained by Andy Davies of Bangor University. All tools are released under the MIT License.
The tools are loosely grouped into the following:
Physical Data
- Tools working with physical oceanographic and geological data.
- CTD_Data
- CTD_Profile_Plot.R - Plot CTD profiles rapidly from a series of CTD files. This has been written specifically for SEA-BIRD systems, and uses CNV files as input.
- CTD_Transect_Plot.R - Plot CTD transects rapidly from a series of CTD files. This has been written specifically for SEA-BIRD systems, and uses CNV files as input.
- CTD_Data
- Tools working with physical oceanographic and geological data.
Deep-sea SDM Tools
- Tools for predictive habitat suitability modelling.
Visualisation Tools
- For visualising and organising complex data.
The development of this resource was supported by the SponGES project, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 679849.