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Introduce 'Premise's to capture hypotheses which are not rewrites
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marcusrossel committed Apr 24, 2024
1 parent 17af42f commit ed8ec0f
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Showing 14 changed files with 148 additions and 86 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions Lean/Egg.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,18 +9,20 @@ import Egg.Core.Gen.TcSpecs
import Egg.Core.MVars.Ambient
import Egg.Core.MVars.Basic
import Egg.Core.MVars.Subst
import Egg.Core.Premise.Basic
import Egg.Core.Premise.Facts
import Egg.Core.Premise.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Config
import Egg.Core.Congr
import Egg.Core.Directions
import Egg.Core.Guides
import Egg.Core.Request
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Source
import Egg.Tactic.Config.Modifier
import Egg.Tactic.Config.Option
import Egg.Tactic.Base
import Egg.Tactic.Basic
import Egg.Tactic.Explanation
import Egg.Tactic.Guides
import Egg.Tactic.Rewrites
import Egg.Tactic.Premises
import Egg.Tactic.Trace
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Lean/Egg/Core/Encode/Rewrites.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import Egg.Core.Encode.Basic
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Premise.Rewrites
import Lean
open Lean

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Lean/Egg/Core/Explanation/Proof.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import Egg.Core.Explanation.Basic
import Egg.Core.Explanation.Congr
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Premise.Rewrites
open Lean Meta

namespace Egg.Explanation
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions Lean/Egg/Core/Gen/TcProjs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Premise.Basic
import Egg.Core.Guides
import Lean
open Lean Meta
Expand All @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ private def TcProj.reductionRewrite?
if proj == reducedNorm then return none
let eq ← mkEq proj reducedNorm
let proof ← mkEqRefl proj
let some rw ← Rewrite.from? proof eq src none amb
let .rw rw ← Premise.from proof eq src none amb
| throwError "egg: internal error in 'TcProj.reductionRewrite?'"
return rw

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Lean/Egg/Core/Gen/TcSpecs.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Premise.Rewrites
import Std.Tactic.Exact
import Lean
open Lean Meta
Expand Down
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions Lean/Egg/Core/Premise/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
import Egg.Core.Premise.Facts
import Egg.Core.Premise.Rewrites
import Lean
open Lean Meta

namespace Egg

inductive Premise where
| rw (rw : Rewrite)
| fact (f : Fact)

namespace Premise

-- Note: It isn't sufficient to take the `args` as a rewrite's holes, as implicit arguments will
-- already be instantiated as mvars during type inference. For example, the type of
-- `theorem t : ∀ {x}, x + 0 = 0 + x := Nat.add_comm _ _` will be directly inferred as
-- `?x + 0 = 0 + ?x`. On the other hand, we might be collecting too many mvars right now as a
-- rewrite could possibly contain mvars which weren't quantified (e.g. if it comes from the
-- local context). Also, we need to "catch loose args", that is, those which are preconditions
-- for the rewrite, but don't appear in the body (as in conditional rewrites).
-- Note: We must instantiate mvars of the rewrite's type. For an example that breaks otherwise, see
def «from»
(proof : Expr) (type : Expr) (src : Source) (normalize : Option Config.Normalization)
(amb : MVars.Ambient) : MetaM Premise := do
let mut (args, _, type) ← forallMetaTelescope (← instantiateMVars type)
type ← if let some cfg := normalize then Egg.normalize type cfg else pure type
let proof := mkAppN proof args
let some cgr ← Congr.from? type | return .fact { src, type, proof }
let lhsMVars := (← MVars.collect cgr.lhs).remove amb
let rhsMVars := (← MVars.collect cgr.rhs).remove amb
let conds := looseArgs args lhsMVars rhsMVars
return .rw { cgr with proof, src, conds, lhsMVars, rhsMVars }
looseArgs (args : Array Expr) (lhsMVars rhsMVars : MVars) : Array Expr :=
args.filter fun a => !lhsMVars.expr.contains a.mvarId! && !rhsMVars.expr.contains a.mvarId!
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions Lean/Egg/Core/Premise/Facts.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import Egg.Core.Source
import Lean
open Lean

namespace Egg

structure Fact where
src : Source
type : Expr
proof : Expr

abbrev Facts := Array Fact
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,43 +7,20 @@ import Egg.Core.Source
import Egg.Lean
open Lean Meta

namespace Egg.Rewrite
namespace Egg

structure _root_.Egg.Rewrite extends Congr where
private mk ::
structure Rewrite extends Congr where
proof : Expr
src : Source
conds : Array Expr
lhsMVars : MVars
rhsMVars : MVars
deriving Inhabited

-- Note: It isn't sufficient to take the `args` as a rewrite's holes, as implicit arguments will
-- already be instantiated as mvars during type inference. For example, the type of
-- `theorem t : ∀ {x}, x + 0 = 0 + x := Nat.add_comm _ _` will be directly inferred as
-- `?x + 0 = 0 + ?x`. On the other hand, we might be collecting too many mvars right now as a
-- rewrite could possibly contain mvars which weren't quantified (e.g. if it comes from the
-- local context). Also, we need to "catch loose args", that is, those which are preconditions
-- for the rewrite, but don't appear in the body (as in conditional rewrites).
-- Note: We must instantiate mvars of the rewrite's type. For an example that breaks otherwise, see
def from?
(proof : Expr) (type : Expr) (src : Source) (normalize : Option Config.Normalization)
(amb : MVars.Ambient) : MetaM (Option Rewrite) := do
let mut (args, _, type) ← forallMetaTelescope (← instantiateMVars type)
type ← if let some cfg := normalize then Egg.normalize type cfg else pure type
let proof := mkAppN proof args
let some cgr ← Congr.from? type | return none
let lhsMVars := (← MVars.collect cgr.lhs).remove amb
let rhsMVars := (← MVars.collect cgr.rhs).remove amb
catchLooseArgs args lhsMVars rhsMVars
return some { cgr with proof, src, lhsMVars, rhsMVars }
catchLooseArgs (args : Array Expr) (lhsMVars rhsMVars : MVars) : MetaM Unit := do
for arg in args do
if lhsMVars.expr.contains arg.mvarId! then continue
if rhsMVars.expr.contains arg.mvarId! then continue
throwError m!"Rewrite {src.description} contains loose argument."
namespace Rewrite

def isConditional (rw : Rewrite) : Bool :=

def validDirs (rw : Rewrite) : Directions :=
let exprDirs := Directions.satisfyingSuperset rw.lhsMVars.expr rw.rhsMVars.expr
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion Lean/Egg/Core/Request.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import Egg.Core.Encode.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Encode.Guides
import Egg.Core.Config
import Egg.Core.Explanation.Basic
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
open Lean

namespace Egg.Request
Expand Down
26 changes: 16 additions & 10 deletions Lean/Egg/Tactic/Basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Egg.Tactic.Config.Modifier
import Egg.Tactic.Explanation
import Egg.Tactic.Base
import Egg.Tactic.Guides
import Egg.Tactic.Rewrites
import Egg.Tactic.Premises
import Egg.Tactic.Trace
import Std.Tactic.Exact
import Lean
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -42,24 +42,26 @@ where
throwError "expected goal to be of type '=' or '↔', but found:\n{← ppExpr goalType}"

private def traceRewrites
(basic : Rewrites) (stx : Array Syntax) (tc : Rewrites) (cfg : Config.Gen) : TacticM Unit := do
private def tracePremises (ps : Premises) (tc : Rewrites) (cfg : Config.Gen) : TacticM Unit := do
let cls := `egg.rewrites
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return "Rewrites") do
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return m!"Basic ({basic.size})") do basic.trace stx cls
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return m!"Basic ({ps.rws.size})") do ps.rws.trace ps.rwsStx cls
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return m!"Generated ({tc.size})") do tc.trace #[] cls
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return "Definitional") do
if cfg.genBetaRw then Lean.trace cls fun _ => "β-Reduction"
if cfg.genEtaRw then Lean.trace cls fun _ => "η-Reduction"
if cfg.genNatLitRws then Lean.trace cls fun _ => "Natural Number Literals"
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return m!"Hypotheses ({ps.facts.size})") do
ps.facts.trace ps.factsStx cls

private partial def genRewrites
(goal : Goal) (rws : TSyntax `egg_rws) (guides : Guides) (cfg : Config) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
(goal : Goal) (ps : TSyntax `egg_prems) (guides : Guides) (cfg : Config) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
TacticM Rewrites := do
let (rws, stx) ← Rewrites.parse cfg.toNormalization amb rws
let tcRws ← genTcRws rws
traceRewrites rws stx tcRws cfg.toGen
return rws ++ tcRws
let ps ← Premises.parse cfg.toNormalization amb ps
let tcRws ← genTcRws ps.rws
tracePremises ps tcRws cfg.toGen
throwOnConditionalRw ps.rws ps.rwsStx
return ps.rws ++ tcRws
genTcRws (rws : Rewrites) : TacticM Rewrites := do
let mut projTodo := #[]
Expand All @@ -81,6 +83,10 @@ where
tcRws := tcRws ++ specRws
return tcRws

throwOnConditionalRw (rws : Rewrites) (stxs : Array Syntax) : TacticM Unit := do
for rw in rws, stx in stxs do
if rw.isConditional then throwErrorAt stx "egg does not currently support conditional rewrites"

private def processRawExpl
(rawExpl : Explanation.Raw) (goal : Goal) (rws : Rewrites) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
TacticM Expr := do
Expand All @@ -107,7 +113,7 @@ private def traceRequest (req : Request) : TacticM Unit := do

open Config.Modifier (egg_cfg_mod)

elab "egg " mod:egg_cfg_mod rws:egg_rws base:(egg_base)? guides:(egg_guides)? : tactic => do
elab "egg " mod:egg_cfg_mod rws:egg_prems base:(egg_base)? guides:(egg_guides)? : tactic => do
let goal ← getMainGoal
let mod ← Config.Modifier.parse mod
let cfg := (← Config.fromOptions).modify mod
Expand Down
87 changes: 52 additions & 35 deletions Lean/Egg/Tactic/Rewrites.lean → Lean/Egg/Tactic/Premises.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,34 +1,55 @@
import Egg.Core.Rewrites
import Egg.Core.Premise.Basic
import Lean

open Lean Meta Elab Tactic

namespace Egg

declare_syntax_cat egg_rws_arg
syntax "*" : egg_rws_arg
syntax term : egg_rws_arg
declare_syntax_cat egg_prems_arg
syntax "*" : egg_prems_arg
syntax term : egg_prems_arg

declare_syntax_cat egg_rws_args
syntax "[" egg_rws_arg,* "]": egg_rws_args
declare_syntax_cat egg_prems_args
syntax "[" egg_prems_arg,* "]": egg_prems_args

declare_syntax_cat egg_rws
syntax (egg_rws_args)? : egg_rws
declare_syntax_cat egg_prems
syntax (egg_prems_args)? : egg_prems

namespace Rewrites
structure Premises where
rws : Rewrites := #[]
rwsStx : Array Syntax := #[]
facts : Facts := #[]
factsStx : Array Syntax := #[]

namespace Premises

private def push (ps : Premises) (stx : Syntax) : Premise → Premises
| .rw rw => { ps with rws := ps.rws.push rw, rwsStx := ps.rwsStx.push stx }
| .fact f => { ps with facts := ps.facts.push f, factsStx := ps.factsStx.push stx }

private def singleton (stx : Syntax) (p : Premise) : Premises :=
({} : Premises).push stx p

private def append (ps₁ ps₂ : Premises) : Premises where
rws := ps₁.rws.append ps₂.rws
rwsStx := ps₁.rwsStx.append ps₂.rwsStx
facts := ps₁.facts.append ps₂.facts
factsStx := ps₁.factsStx.append ps₂.factsStx

instance : Append Premises where
append := append

-- Note: We must use `Tactic.elabTerm`, not `Term.elabTerm`. Otherwise elaborating `‹...›` doesn't
-- work correctly. Cf.
partial def explicit
(arg : Term) (argIdx : Nat) (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
TacticM Rewrites := do
partial def explicit (arg : Term) (argIdx : Nat) (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
TacticM Premises := do
match ← elabArg arg with
| .inl (e, ty?) => return #[← mkRw e ty? none]
| .inl (e, ty?) => return Premises.singleton arg (← mkPremise e ty? none)
| .inr eqns =>
let mut result : Rewrites := #[]
let mut result : Premises := {}
for eqn in eqns, eqnIdx in [:eqns.size] do
let e ← Tactic.elabTerm eqn none
result := result.push (← mkRw e none eqnIdx)
result := result.push arg (← mkPremise e none eqnIdx)
return result
-- We don't just elaborate the `arg` directly as:
-- (1) this can cause problems for global constants with typeclass arguments, as Lean sometimes
Expand All @@ -39,12 +60,11 @@ where
-- Note: When we infer the type of `e` it might not have the syntactic form we expect. For
-- example, if `e` is `congrArg (fun x => x + 1) (_ : a = b)` then its type will be inferred
-- as `a + 1 = b + 1` instead of `(fun x => x + 1) a = (fun x => x + 1) b`.
mkRw (e : Expr) (ty? : Option Expr) (eqnIdx? : Option Nat) : TacticM Rewrite := do
mkPremise (e : Expr) (ty? : Option Expr) (eqnIdx? : Option Nat) : TacticM Premise := do
let src := .explicit argIdx eqnIdx?
let ty := ty?.getD (← inferType e)
let some rw ← Rewrite.from? e ty src norm amb
| throwErrorAt arg "egg requires arguments to be equalities, equivalences or (non-propositional) definitions"
return rw
Premise.from e ty src norm amb

elabArg (arg : Term) : TacticM (Sum (Expr × Option Expr) (Array Ident)) := do
if let some hyp ← optional (getFVarId arg) then
-- `arg` is a local declaration.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,29 +92,26 @@ where
-- Note: We need to filter out auxiliary declaration and implementation details, as they are not
-- visible in the proof context and, for example, contain the declaration being defined itself
-- (to enable recursive calls). Cf.
def star (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) : MetaM Rewrites := do
let mut result : Rewrites := #[]
def star (stx : Syntax) (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) : MetaM Premises := do
let mut result : Premises := {}
for decl in ← getLCtx do
if decl.isImplementationDetail || decl.isAuxDecl then continue
if let some rw ← Rewrite.from? decl.toExpr decl.type (.star decl.fvarId) norm amb
then result := result.push rw
let src := decl.fvarId
result := result.push stx (← Premise.from decl.toExpr decl.type src norm amb)
return result

def parse (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) :
(TSyntax `egg_rws) → TacticM (Rewrites × Array Syntax)
| `(egg_rws|) => return (#[], #[])
| `(egg_rws|[$args,*]) => do
let mut result : Rewrites := #[]
def parse (norm : Config.Normalization) (amb : MVars.Ambient) : (TSyntax `egg_prems) → TacticM Premises
| `(egg_prems|) => return {}
| `(egg_prems|[$args,*]) => do
let mut result : Premises := {}
let mut noStar := true
for arg in args.getElems, idx in [:args.getElems.size] do
match arg with
| `(egg_rws_arg|$arg:term) =>
result := result ++ (← explicit arg idx norm amb)
| `(egg_rws_arg|*%$tk) =>
| `(egg_prems_arg|$arg:term) => result := result ++ (← explicit arg idx norm amb)
| `(egg_prems_arg|*%$tk) =>
unless noStar do throwErrorAt tk "duplicate '*' in arguments to egg"
noStar := false
result := result ++ (← star norm amb)
| _ =>
return (result, args)
result := result ++ (← star tk norm amb)
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
return result
| _ => throwUnsupportedSyntax
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions Lean/Egg/Tactic/Trace.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import Egg.Core.Request
import Egg.Core.Explanation.Proof
import Egg.Core.MVars.Ambient
import Egg.Tactic.Premises
import Lean
open Lean Meta Elab Tactic Std Format

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -44,12 +45,22 @@ def Rewrite.trace (rw : Rewrite) (stx? : Option Syntax) (cls : Name) : TacticM U
if let some stx := stx? then header := m!"{header}: {stx}"
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return header) do
traceM cls fun _ => return m!"{← rw.toCongr.format}"
if !rw.conds.isEmpty then
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return "Conditions") (collapsed := false) do
for cond in rw.conds do
traceM cls fun _ => return m!"{← cond.mvarId!.getType}"
traceM cls fun _ => return m!"LHS MVars\n{← rw.lhsMVars.format}"
traceM cls fun _ => return m!"RHS MVars\n{← rw.rhsMVars.format}"

def Rewrites.trace (rws : Rewrites) (stx : Array Syntax) (cls : Name) : TacticM Unit := do
for rw in rws, idx in [:rws.size] do rw.trace stx[idx]? cls

nonrec def Fact.trace (f : Fact) (stx : Syntax) (cls : Name) : TacticM Unit := do
trace cls fun _ => m!"{f.src.description}: {stx} : {f.type}"

def Facts.trace (fs : Facts) (stx : Array Syntax) (cls : Name) : TacticM Unit := do
for f in fs, s in stx do f.trace s cls

def Rewrite.Encoded.trace (rw : Rewrite.Encoded) (cls : Name) : TacticM Unit := do
let header := m!"{}({rw.dirs.format})"
withTraceNode cls (fun _ => return header) do
Expand Down

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