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Add a few test cases for tags (not working yet, ofc)
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goens committed Apr 29, 2024
1 parent 6899538 commit d979ffd
Showing 1 changed file with 72 additions and 0 deletions.
72 changes: 72 additions & 0 deletions Lean/Egg/Tests/Tags.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import Egg

class One (α) where one : α
instance [One α] : OfNat α 1 where ofNat :=

class Inv (α) where inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv.inv

class Group (α) extends Mul α, One α, Inv α where
mul_assoc (a b c : α) : (a * b) * c = a * (b * c)
one_mul (a : α) : 1 * a = a
mul_one (a : α) : a * 1 = a
inv_mul_self (a : α) : a⁻¹ * a = 1
mul_inv_self (a : α) : a * a⁻¹ = 1

variable [Group α] (a b x y : α)

#insert_egg mul_assoc
#insert_egg one_mul
#insert_egg mul_one
#insert_egg inv_mul_self
#insert_egg mul_inv_self


theorem inv_mul_cancel_left : a⁻¹ * (a * b) = b := by


theorem mul_inv_cancel_left : a * (a⁻¹ * b) = b := by

theorem group_cancel : (∀ a : α, a * b = a) → a = 1 := by
intros h
egg [h]

lemma mul_eq_de_eq_inv_mul : x = a⁻¹ * y → a * x = y := by

def hPow : α → Nat → α
| _, 0 => 1
| a, (n+1) => a * hPow a n

instance [Group α] : HPow α Nat α := ⟨hPow⟩

def OrderN (n : Nat) (a : α) : Prop := a^n = 1

-- not defining the cardinality here for space reasons
def card (α) [Group α] : Nat := sorry

-- This one should not go through! not an equality
theorem ex_min_order : ∃ n : Nat, OrderN n a ∧ (∀ n', n' < n → ¬ OrderN n a) := sorry

-- This should also be recognized as an equality
theorem card_order : OrderN (card α) a := by

def Abelian (α) [Group α] : Prop := ∀ a b : α, a * b = b * a

def commutator := a*b*a⁻¹*b⁻¹

-- Ideally, egg can see through this prop that there's an equality?
theorem all_commutators_trivial_abelian : (∀ a b : α, commutator a b = 1) → Abelian α := by sorry

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