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Add freshman's dream to test cases
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marcusrossel committed Apr 15, 2024
1 parent ca33766 commit b5df0cd
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Showing 2 changed files with 70 additions and 16 deletions.
61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions Lean/Egg/Tests/Freshman.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import Egg

class Inv (α) where inv : α → α
postfix:max "⁻¹" => Inv.inv

class Zero (α) where zero : α
instance [Zero α] : OfNat α 0 where ofNat :=

class One (α) where one : α
instance [One α] : OfNat α 1 where ofNat :=

class Ring (α) extends Zero α, One α, Add α, Sub α, Mul α, Div α, Pow α Nat, Inv α, Neg α where
comm_add (a b : α) : a + b = b + a
comm_mul (a b : α) : a * b = b * a
add_assoc (a b c : α) : a + (b + c) = (a + b) + c
mul_assoc (a b c : α) : a * (b * c) = (a * b) * c
sub_canon (a b : α) : a - b = a + -b
neg_add (a : α) : a + -a = 0
div_canon (a b : α) : a / b = a * b⁻¹
zero_add (a : α) : a + 0 = a
zero_mul (a : α) : a * 0 = 0
one_mul (a : α) : a * 1 = a
distrib (a b c : α) : a * (b + c) = (a * b) + (a * c)
pow_zero (a : α) : a ^ 0 = 1
pow_one (a : α) : a ^ 1 = a
pow_two (a : α) : a ^ 2 = (a ^ 1) * a
pow_three (a : α) : a ^ 3 = (a ^ 2) * a
-- TODO: Changing the axioms for `^` to be recursive breaks some of the proofs.

class CharTwoRing (α) extends Ring α where
char_two (a : α) : a + a = 0

open Ring CharTwoRing Egg.Guides Egg.Config.Modifier in
macro "char_two_ring" mod:egg_cfg_mod base:(egg_base)? guides:(egg_guides)? : tactic => `(tactic|
egg $mod [comm_add, comm_mul, add_assoc, mul_assoc, sub_canon, neg_add, div_canon, zero_add, zero_mul, one_mul, distrib, pow_zero, pow_one, pow_two, pow_three, char_two] $[$base]? $[$guides]?

variable [CharTwoRing α]

theorem freshmans_dream (x y : α) : (x + y) ^ 2 = (x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2) := by
calc (x + y) ^ 2
_ = (x + y) * (x + y) := by char_two_ring
_ = x * (x + y) + y * (x + y) := by char_two_ring
_ = x ^ 2 + x * y + y * x + y ^ 2 := by char_two_ring
_ = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 := by char_two_ring

theorem freshmans_dream' (x y : α) : (x + y) ^ 2 = (x ^ 2) + (y ^ 2) := by

theorem freshmans_dream₃ (x y : α) : (x + y) ^ 3 = x ^ 3 + x * y ^ 2 + x ^ 2 * y + y ^ 3 := by
calc (x + y)^ 3
_ = (x + y) * (x + y) * (x + y) := by char_two_ring
_ = (x + y) * (x * (x + y) + y * (x + y)) := by char_two_ring
_ = (x + y) * (x ^ 2 + x * y + y * x + y ^ 2) := by char_two_ring
_ = (x + y) * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) := by char_two_ring
_ = x * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) + y * (x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) := by char_two_ring
_ = (x * x ^ 2) + x * y ^ 2 + y * x ^ 2 + y * y ^ 2 := by char_two_ring
_ = x ^ 3 + x * y ^ 2 + x ^ 2 * y + y ^ 3 := by char_two_ring

theorem freshmans_dream₃' (x y : α) : (x + y) ^ 3 = x ^ 3 + x * y ^ 2 + x ^ 2 * y + y ^ 3 := by
25 changes: 9 additions & 16 deletions Lean/Egg/Tests/Groups.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,25 +1,18 @@
import Egg
import Lean

class Group (α) where
zero : α
neg : α → α
add : α → α → α
add_assoc : ∀ a b c, add (add a b) c = add a (add b c)
zero_add : ∀ a, add zero a = a
add_zero : ∀ a, add a zero = a
add_left_neg : ∀ a, add (neg a) a = zero
add_right_neg : ∀ a, add a (neg a) = zero
class Zero (α) where zero : α
instance [Zero α] : OfNat α 0 where ofNat :=

open Group

instance [Group α] : Neg α where neg := neg
instance [Group α] : Add α where add := add
instance [Group α] : OfNat α 0 where ofNat := zero
class Group (α) extends Zero α, Neg α, Add α where
add_assoc (a b c : α) : (a + b) + c = a + (b + c)
zero_add (a : α) : 0 + a = a
add_zero (a : α) : a + 0 = a
add_left_neg (a : α) : -a + a = 0
add_right_neg (a : α) : a + -a = 0

variable [Group G] {a b : G}

open Egg.Guides Egg.Config.Modifier in
open Group Egg.Guides Egg.Config.Modifier in
macro "group" mod:egg_cfg_mod base:(egg_base)? guides:(egg_guides)? : tactic => `(tactic|
egg $mod [add_assoc, zero_add, add_zero, add_left_neg, add_right_neg] $[$base]? $[$guides]?
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