This project goes through fundamental machine learning concepts and algorithms. The materials are from
Getting Started To get started with the project: Install Python and the Scikit-Learn, NumPy and SciPy libraries. Review the Jupyter notebooks in each chapter folder. Try running and modifying the code samples.
- Machine Learning Fundamentals - Covers basic ML concepts like training/test splits, bias/variance, overfitting/underfitting.
- Scikit-Learn library - Introduction to the Scikit-Learn ML library in Python.
- Linear Models - Linear regression and ridge/lasso regularization.
- Logistic Regression - For binary classification.
- Support Vector Machine - For classification and regression.
- k Nearest Neighbor - Simple non-parametric method for classification and regression.
- Naive Bayes - Probabilistic classifier based on Bayes' theorem.
- Decision Tree - Non-linear model for classification and regression.
- Ensemble - Methods like random forests and gradient boosting.
- Clustering - Unsupervised learning with k-Means, hierarchical clustering.
- Manifold Learning - Dimensionality reduction with PCA and t-SNE.
- Decomposition - Matrix factorization with SVD and NMF.
- Recommender System - Collaborative filtering with nearest neighbors and matrix factorization.
Acknowledgments Please visit the original site( for more in-depth tutorials and resources.