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Releases: maksymovchynnikov/SensCalc


08 Oct 10:24
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  1. Added descriptions of proton bremsstrahlung by Foroughi-Abari&Ritz, together with uncertainties.
  2. Added the revised production via mixing for dark photons.
  3. Added EventCalc - Monte Carlo sampler based on SensCalc.
  4. Fixed the bug with the transverse spatial separation cut (previously, it was always assumed that the event passes this cut).
  5. Added matrix elements for 3-body decay modes of dark photons (previously, flat matrix elements were assumed).
  6. Split jet decays of different LLPs into separate modes and computed pregenerated pythia phase space. Say, the previous "Jets-light" for dark photons (including decays into various quarks) has been split into "Jets-uu", "Jets-dd", "Jets-ss".
  7. Added partially revised constraints on ALPs coupled to fermions following 2310.03524.
  8. Fixed bug for the ALPs coupled to photons via photon fusion for LHC and FCC-hh in notebook 2
  9. Add fixes of many bugs appearing because some commands in Mathematica > 13.2 are evaluated differently
  10. Added ESS experiments: SHINESS and SHINESS-forward


29 Jun 12:48
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  1. Fixed bug in calculating Emax(theta).
  2. Fixed bug when selecting detectable particles.
  3. Changed progress monitor in notebook 1 to deal with interface freeze issues.
  4. Added the new decay acceptance type: minimum number of tracks.
  5. Fixed bugs with the calculation of decay acceptance for many-track signatures.
  6. Fixed bug in calculating the ALP-photon distribution from the photon fusion.

v. 1.1.1

29 Feb 12:34
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  1. Improved tabulated distributions of pi0, eta, eta', rho0, omega by increasing statistics.
  2. Fixed bugs in generating the distributions via mixing with mesons.
  3. Fixed bug in calculating Emax(theta) in notebook 3.
  4. Added tabulated distributions of omega, rho0, phi for Serpukhov facility.

v. 1.1

16 Feb 22:09
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  1. Improved dialog windows for the notebooks to optimize user's interaction.
  2. Improved the calculation of the decay products acceptance (notebook 1): decays of SM particles having many modes (such as B, D, eta, etc.) are now represented by all possible channels, not a few representative ones.
  3. Significant performance improvement of the notebooks calculating the FIP angle-energy distributions (notebook 2) and the tabulated number of events (notebooks 3), due to the optimization of the algorithms and parallelization.
  4. Re-structurization of the notebook 2 - it is now (should be) more user-friendly.
  5. Added the new facility - Serpukhov (hosted the past NuCal experiment). Improved the implementation of the CHARM experiment. Added new setup - LHCb-downstream, with several options.
  6. Added the possibility to set up the list of detectable particles for the given experiment (notebook 1).
  7. Added the possibility to choose the decay products acceptance: at least two decay products match the acceptance, all visible decay products match the acceptance.
  8. Added the possibility to select the list of the FIP production channels when calculating the sensitivity (previously, it calculated by default using all the channels).
  9. Fixed the wiggles in the interpolations of distributions from the proton bremsstrahlung and the production via mixing with pions.
  10. Added more decay processes with HNLs (notebook 1).
  11. In the notebook 1, the transverse spatial separation cut of photons is replaced with the angular cut.


13 Oct 15:40
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  1. Added more hadronized phase space for HNLs and ALPs.
  2. Corrected ALP phenomelogy.
  3. Added various new selection cuts.
  4. Improved interface.


05 Oct 14:09
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  1. Added the possibility to select the FIP decay channels visible in the given experiment.
  2. Re-organized the notebook 1. Acceptances.nb. Its structure should now be more transparent.
  3. Fixed several minor mistakes in the code.
  4. Added hadronized phase space for all relevant FIP decays into jets.
  5. Added corrected constraints on the ALPs coupled to gluons and revised phenomenology for the ALPs.


17 Sep 21:06
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  1. Implemented the new phenomenology for ALPs with fermion couplings.
  2. For FIP decays into jets, added an option of using the phase space with showering and hadronization (the relevant phase space is pre-tabulated from madgraph+pythia), instead of using just jets; this new option is used as default.
  3. Added a possibility to launch the tabulated number of events computation for the list of experiments instead of launching one by one.
  4. Fixing minor mistakes in the decay acceptance calculation routine.
  5. Re-structured code of FIP decay modes description in 1. Acceptances.nb. It is now more compact and (I hope) clear.
  6. New experiments are added: ANUBIS-ceiling (in a separate notebook), FASER-2-FPF, FOREHUNT.
  7. Updated and improved output for the FIP acceptances defining the lower bound of the sensitivity in 3. sensitivity.nb.


07 Jul 15:25
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The list of changes:

  • Added mediators coupled to anomaly-free combinations of the baryon and lepton currents: UB-L(1), UB-3Lmu(1), UB-Le-3Lmu+Ltau(1), UB-3Le-Lmu+Ltau(1)
  • Added muon chambers at LHCb to the list of the implemented experiments
  • Added the production for millicharged particles
  • Optimized the notebook FIP sensitivity.nb
  • Fixed some mistakes in the design of HIKE-dump and ANUBIS-shaft.

Initial release: v1.0.1

07 Jul 15:09
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