Releases: maksymovchynnikov/SensCalc
Releases · maksymovchynnikov/SensCalc
- Added descriptions of proton bremsstrahlung by Foroughi-Abari&Ritz, together with uncertainties.
- Added the revised production via mixing for dark photons.
- Added EventCalc - Monte Carlo sampler based on SensCalc.
- Fixed the bug with the transverse spatial separation cut (previously, it was always assumed that the event passes this cut).
- Added matrix elements for 3-body decay modes of dark photons (previously, flat matrix elements were assumed).
- Split jet decays of different LLPs into separate modes and computed pregenerated pythia phase space. Say, the previous "Jets-light" for dark photons (including decays into various quarks) has been split into "Jets-uu", "Jets-dd", "Jets-ss".
- Added partially revised constraints on ALPs coupled to fermions following 2310.03524.
- Fixed bug for the ALPs coupled to photons via photon fusion for LHC and FCC-hh in notebook 2
- Add fixes of many bugs appearing because some commands in Mathematica > 13.2 are evaluated differently
- Added ESS experiments: SHINESS and SHINESS-forward
- Fixed bug in calculating Emax(theta).
- Fixed bug when selecting detectable particles.
- Changed progress monitor in notebook 1 to deal with interface freeze issues.
- Added the new decay acceptance type: minimum number of tracks.
- Fixed bugs with the calculation of decay acceptance for many-track signatures.
- Fixed bug in calculating the ALP-photon distribution from the photon fusion.
v. 1.1.1
- Improved tabulated distributions of pi0, eta, eta', rho0, omega by increasing statistics.
- Fixed bugs in generating the distributions via mixing with mesons.
- Fixed bug in calculating Emax(theta) in notebook 3.
- Added tabulated distributions of omega, rho0, phi for Serpukhov facility.
v. 1.1
- Improved dialog windows for the notebooks to optimize user's interaction.
- Improved the calculation of the decay products acceptance (notebook 1): decays of SM particles having many modes (such as B, D, eta, etc.) are now represented by all possible channels, not a few representative ones.
- Significant performance improvement of the notebooks calculating the FIP angle-energy distributions (notebook 2) and the tabulated number of events (notebooks 3), due to the optimization of the algorithms and parallelization.
- Re-structurization of the notebook 2 - it is now (should be) more user-friendly.
- Added the new facility - Serpukhov (hosted the past NuCal experiment). Improved the implementation of the CHARM experiment. Added new setup - LHCb-downstream, with several options.
- Added the possibility to set up the list of detectable particles for the given experiment (notebook 1).
- Added the possibility to choose the decay products acceptance: at least two decay products match the acceptance, all visible decay products match the acceptance.
- Added the possibility to select the list of the FIP production channels when calculating the sensitivity (previously, it calculated by default using all the channels).
- Fixed the wiggles in the interpolations of distributions from the proton bremsstrahlung and the production via mixing with pions.
- Added more decay processes with HNLs (notebook 1).
- In the notebook 1, the transverse spatial separation cut of photons is replaced with the angular cut.
- Added more hadronized phase space for HNLs and ALPs.
- Corrected ALP phenomelogy.
- Added various new selection cuts.
- Improved interface.
- Added the possibility to select the FIP decay channels visible in the given experiment.
- Re-organized the notebook 1. Acceptances.nb. Its structure should now be more transparent.
- Fixed several minor mistakes in the code.
- Added hadronized phase space for all relevant FIP decays into jets.
- Added corrected constraints on the ALPs coupled to gluons and revised phenomenology for the ALPs.
- Implemented the new phenomenology for ALPs with fermion couplings.
- For FIP decays into jets, added an option of using the phase space with showering and hadronization (the relevant phase space is pre-tabulated from madgraph+pythia), instead of using just jets; this new option is used as default.
- Added a possibility to launch the tabulated number of events computation for the list of experiments instead of launching one by one.
- Fixing minor mistakes in the decay acceptance calculation routine.
- Re-structured code of FIP decay modes description in 1. Acceptances.nb. It is now more compact and (I hope) clear.
- New experiments are added: ANUBIS-ceiling (in a separate notebook), FASER-2-FPF, FOREHUNT.
- Updated and improved output for the FIP acceptances defining the lower bound of the sensitivity in 3. sensitivity.nb.
The list of changes:
- Added mediators coupled to anomaly-free combinations of the baryon and lepton currents: UB-L(1), UB-3Lmu(1), UB-Le-3Lmu+Ltau(1), UB-3Le-Lmu+Ltau(1)
- Added muon chambers at LHCb to the list of the implemented experiments
- Added the production for millicharged particles
- Optimized the notebook FIP sensitivity.nb
- Fixed some mistakes in the design of HIKE-dump and ANUBIS-shaft.
Initial release: v1.0.1
v. 1.0.1