* Create a social media website that has the following features:
> user login,logout and registration system (using login_manager)
> secure database record insertion
> website has at least 5 pages (login,register,home,profile,friend requests)
> user can do the following :
> post new posts ( set privacy to friends only or Public or only me)
> view other users' posts with 2 modes : friends only or All posts
> view other users account and add them as friends
> delete posts
> update posts
> update user's own info
profile page
login page
register page
home without login
home after login
explore friends ( you can make friend request )
friend requests
1- create virtual environment using this command
pip install virtualenv
python<version> -m venv [virtual-environment-name]
2- then activate this environment using this command
. venv/Scripts/activate
3- install all requirement pakage using this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
4- add .env file then add this inside
5- change connect string that inside __init__.py
file in project to connect string your Db
'postgresql://postgres:[password]@localhost:5432/[your-database-name ]'
6- run this file to create database
python run_db create_db
7- finally run this command to run project
flask run