Projects - for assessing my skills - for data science entry roles
Most of the topics are part of AppliedAI(online course) assignments. I have done some additional work in some assignments. All the implementation are mine own and not plagiarized.
- cross_attention_bahdanau_attention_implementation: Implementing from scratch bahdanau attention mechanism for language translation. Implemented Encoder, Decoder, Cross-attention layers.
- eda_chisquare_confidenceinterval_haberman_dataset: EDA on haberman cancer dataset with chi-square test and confidence interval for giving support to observations made through several plots.
- segmentation_road_traffic: Segmenting Road Traffic using unet. Video:
- xgboost_donors_choose: Applying Xgboost to donors choose dataset. Made various Custom Sklearn Transformers having fit/transform methods for easy integration into pipeline(for featurization like response coding, tf-idf weighted w2v encoding, sentiment score).
- masked_attention_mechanism: Implementing Masked Attention Mechanism as seen in gpt/transformer. attempting to test on ecommerce sessions data.
- decision_tree_donors_choose: Decision Tree algorithm on donors_choose dataset. Made various Custom Sklearn Transformers having fit/transform methods for easy integration into pipeline(for featurization like response coding, tf-idf weighted w2v encoding, sentiment score).
- naive_bayes_donors_choose: Naive Bayes on donors_choose dataset
- sgd_regressor_implementation: Implementing SGD Regressor from scratch
- tfidf_implementation: Implementing TF-IDF from scratch
- lstm_donors_choose: LSTM on donors choose dataset
- conv1d_text_document_classification: applying Conv1D on text for text document classification
- sql_imdb: SQL on imdb dataset
- k_fold_cv_knn_implementation: Implementing k fold CV from scratch.
- densenet_cifar10: Experimenting training with Learning Rate Finder, Cyclical Learning Rate on DenseNet using Cifar10 dataset with keeping no. of parameters less than 1M.