Screen Reader Abstraction Library
SRAL is a cross-platform library for output text using speech engines.
SRAL is supported on Windows, MacOS and Linux platforms.
See how to use SRAL in Include/SRAL.h
SRAL can build using CMake into two libraries, static and dynamic. Run these commands
cmake . -B build
cmake --build build --config Release
You will also have an executable test to test the SRAL.
To build on Linux you need to install libspeechd-dev and libx11-dev
SRAL supports the NVDAControlEx add-on, allowing developers to extended manage the NVDA functions.
To use the SRAL API in a C/C++ project, you need a statically linked or dynamically imported SRAL library, as well as a SRAL.h file with function declarations. If you use SRAL as a static library for Windows, you need to define SRAL_STATIC in the SRAL.h before the include
#include <SRAL.h>
SRAL also has Bindings, which is updated with new wrappers for programming languages.
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <SRAL.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#ifdef _WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <unistd.h>
void sleep_ms(int milliseconds) {
#ifdef _WIN32
Sleep(milliseconds); // Windows-specific function
usleep(milliseconds * 1000); // usleep takes microseconds
int main(void) {
char text[10000];
// Initialize the SRAL library
if (!SRAL_Initialize(ENGINE_UIA)) { // So Microsoft UIAutomation provider can't speak in the terminal or none current process windows
printf("Failed to initialize SRAL library.\n");
return 1;
// Speak some text
if (SRAL_GetEngineFeatures(0) & SUPPORTS_SPEECH) {
printf("Enter the text you want to be spoken:\n");
scanf("%s", text);
SRAL_Speak(text, false);
// Output text to a Braille display
if (SRAL_GetEngineFeatures(0) & SUPPORTS_BRAILLE) {
printf("Enter the text you want to be shown on braille display:\n");
scanf("%s", text);
// Delay example
SRAL_Output("Delay example: Enter any text", false);
SRAL_Output("Press enter to continue", false);
scanf("%s", text);
SRAL_StopSpeech(); // Stops the delay thread
// Speech rate
if (SRAL_GetEngineFeatures(0) & SUPPORTS_SPEECH_RATE) {
uint64_t rate = SRAL_GetRate();
const uint64_t max_rate = rate + 10;
for (rate; rate < max_rate; rate++) {
SRAL_Speak(text, false);
// Uninitialize the SRAL library
return 0;
import time
import sral
def sleep_ms(milliseconds):
time.sleep(milliseconds / 1000.0) # Convert milliseconds to seconds
def main():
text = ""
# Initialize the SRAL library
instance = sral.Sral(32)
# Speak some text
if instance.get_engine_features(0) & 128:
text = input("Enter the text you want to be spoken:\n")
instance.speak(text, False)
# Output text to a Braille display
if instance.get_engine_features(0) & 256:
text = input("Enter the text you want to be shown on braille display:\n")
# Delay example
instance.output("Delay example: Enter any text", False)
instance.output("Press enter to continue", False)
input() # Wait for user to press enter
instance.stop_speech() # Stops the delay thread
# Speech rate
if instance.get_engine_features(0) & 512:
rate = instance.get_rate()
max_rate = rate + 10
for rate in range(rate, max_rate):
instance.speak(text, False)
# Uninitialize the SRAL library
instance = None
if __name__ == "__main__":
main() # invoke_main()
For NVDA screen reader, you need to download the Controller Client. We don't support old client V 1.