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Summary of Projects/ What they do - Reads a file and saves its contents to a dictionary then displays those contents with their frequencies This program uses the file testdata.txt and can be used on bigger files with similar format - This program ask th user for a file name and reads in that file and adds all words with more than 3 letters to a list. This list is then converted to a dictionary that has the word as a key and the number of occurences as a value. The dictionary is sorted by order of words with the most occurences(highest value) and those 10 are added to a tuple and displayed to the user - This program defines a class to read numbers in "time format"(hh:mm:ss) It asks the user for the current hour, minutes, and second and ticks adding a second each tick and incrementing minute when it gets to 60 seconds and increments hours when it gets to 60 minutes, etc.