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This is an implementation of the QUIC protocol as defined in RFC9000. QUIC is an UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport protocol, and it provides applications with flow-controlled streams for structured communication, low-latency connection establishment, and network path migration. QUIC includes security measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a range of deployment circumstances.
This implementation of QUIC in the kernel space enables users to utilize the QUIC protocol through socket APIs in user space. Additionally, kernel subsystems like SMB and NFS can seamlessly operate over the QUIC protocol after handshake using net/handshake APIs.
This implementation offers fundamental support for the following RFCs:
- RFC9000 - QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport
- RFC9001 - Using TLS to Secure QUIC
- RFC9002 - QUIC Loss Detection and Congestion Control
- RFC9221 - An Unreliable Datagram Extension to QUIC
- RFC9287 - Greasing the QUIC Bit
- RFC9368 - Compatible Version Negotiation for QUIC
- RFC9369 - QUIC Version 2
- Handshake APIs for tlshd Use - NFS/SMB over QUIC
The central idea is to implement QUIC within the kernel, incorporating an userspace handshake approach.
The processing and creation of only raw TLS Handshake Messages, facilitated by tls library like gnutls, take place in userspace. These messages are exchanged through sendmsg/recvmsg() mechanisms, with cryptographic details handled in the control message (cmsg).
The entirety of QUIC protocol, excluding TLS Handshake Messages processing and creation, resides in the kernel. Instead of utilizing a User Level Protocol (ULP) layer, it establishes a socket of IPPROTO_QUIC type (similar to IPPROTO_MPTCP) operating over a UDP tunnel.
Kernel consumers can initiate a handshake request from the kernel to userspace via handshake netlink. The userspace component, tlshd from ktls-utils, manages the QUIC handshake request processing.
+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | GNUTLS USER LIBRARY | +---------+-+-----------------+-+----------------------+-+--------------+ TLS HANDSHAKE MSGS TLS TRANSPORT PARAMS EXT TLS SECRETS [send/recvmsg() [set/getsockopt() with [set/getsockopt() with with cmsg quic_ optname QUIC_SOCKOPT_ optname QUIC_SOCKOPT_ handshake_info] TRANSPORT_PARAM_EXT] CRYPTO_SECRET] | ^ | ^ | ^ Userspace | | | | | | ----------+-+-----------------+-+----------------------+-+--------------- Kernel | | | | | | v | v | v | QUIC CRYPTO FRAMES QUIC TRANSPORT PARAMS QUIC KEYS [create/parse long [en/decode transport [derive key/iv/hp_key packet and crypto params from tls for handshake/app frame] transport params ext] data send/recv] +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUIC CONNECTION | PACKET | FRAME | CRYPTO | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UDP TUNNEL KERNEL APIs | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
Post Handshake:
APPLICATION DATA QUIC PRIMITIVES [sendmsg/recvmsg() [setsockopt/getsockopt() with cmsg quic_ with optname like QUIC_SOCKOPT stream_info] _KEY_UPDATE and _STREAM_RESET ...] | ^ | ^ Userspace | | | | ----------+-+----------------------------+-+------------------------------ Kernel | | | | v | v | QUIC STREAM FRAMES QUIC CONTROL FRAMES [quic short packet and [quic short packet and stream frame creating corresponding ctrl frames and processing] creating and processing] +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | QUIC CONNECTION | STREAM | PACKET | FRAME | CRYPTO | FLOW | CONGESTION | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | UDP TUNNEL KERNEL APIs | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+
This implementation supports a mapping of QUIC into sockets APIs. Similar to TCP and SCTP, a typical Server and Client use the following system call sequence to communicate:
Client Server
sockfd = socket(IPPROTO_QUIC) listenfd = socket(IPPROTO_QUIC)
bind(sockfd) bind(listenfd)
sockfd = accecpt(listenfd)
sendmsg(sockfd) recvmsg(sockfd)
close(sockfd) close(sockfd)
Please note that quic_client_handshake() and quic_server_handshake() functions are sourced from libquic in the github lxin/quic repository. These functions are responsible for receiving and processing TLS handshake messages until the completion of the handshake process.
For utilization by kernel consumers, it is essential to have the tlshd service (from ktls-utils) installed and running in userspace. This service receives and manages kernel handshake requests for kernel sockets. In kernel space, the APIs closely resemble those used in userspace:
Client Server
__sock_create(IPPROTO_QUIC, &sock) __sock_create(IPPROTO_QUIC, &sock)
kernel_bind(sock) kernel_bind(sock)
kernel_accept(sock, &newsock)
kernel_sendmsg(sock) kernel_recvmsg(newsock)
sock_release(sock) sock_release(newsock)
Please be aware that tls_client_hello_x509() and tls_server_hello_x509() are APIs from net/handshake/. They are employed to dispatch the handshake request to the userspace tlshd service and subsequently block until the handshake process is completed.
See man for more details.
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