This repository stores the electrical code and the assembly ideas of the built of my LED beerpong table I created in the summer of 2020.
The main idea was to create a resilient and appealing beerpong table that is able to count the current number of cups on each side of the table and transfer this information into visual feedback.
The electrics are controled by two Arduino Mega (one for each table side) which restricts the code creation in C++.
Since I was basically new to coding with this programming language, I created multiple ideas for the control that can be found in the source folder.
Please also note that most of the code is created by a beginner. Thus, finding ways to optimize this code shouldn't be hard...
If you are interested in details of the table and the decision making, I recommend to read the documentation. Here you will find some explanations of why I chose certain electronical elements and more insights to the financial aspect.
I stopped the creation of my code in the beginning of 2021. Further, this table is not in use anymore.
Hence, I most likely will not change anything anymore.
However, feel free to fork this repository yourself or contact me regarding questions.
Moreover, if you are interested in buying this table you can contact me as well.