A Neuroscience PhD candidate looking forward to collaborate in the intersection between AI and neuro.
- 📫 Reach me at lucastavares@neuro.ufrn.br
Scripts for reproducing the figures of Hippocampal-Prefrontal Interactions during Spatial Decision-Making, Tavares & Tort 2020.
Forked from tortlab/SignalAnalysis2020.2
Repository for ICE1011, an undergraduate and graduate course on signal analysis for neuroscience
A very short (1h30mins) introductory course for LFP data analysis in a single jupyter notebook
Code for the Epilepsy Challenge on Kaggle by the Santos Dumont Institute in Natal, Brazil.
Jupyter Notebook
A short introductory course on Machine Learning tools for decoding neural signals.
Jupyter Notebook
Classifying epileptic seizures on EEG data using KNN and Random Forest
Jupyter Notebook